Saturday, March 22, 2025

Who's Who?

The population of Gregoropolis has grown so much that even some of the residents have trouble keeping track of each other...

Daisy: So, then Logan said --
Edith: Now wait a minute, which one is Logan?
Daisy: Oh, you know, the brown-haired boy.

Edith: Do you mean the one who always hangs around with that sweet little
blond boy who's been here forever?
Daisy: No, that would be Miguel.  And the blond boy is Sasha.
Edith: Ah, Miguel, yes, I remember now.  And Sasha--now there's a name you don't 
hear very often.  My memory is just rubbish!

Daisy: >Sigh< It's always such a challenge for us, isn't it?
So much to remember, and such a small head to store it all in.

Edith: Well, is Logan the Italian boy who hates squirrels so much?
Daisy: No, that's Giancarlo.

Edith: Oh, of course, Giancarlo.  I recall chatting with him about that once.
He really despises squirrels.  I wonder if he's ever tried modern dance.
You know, channel some of that emotion into movement.  It could be very therapeutic.

Daisy: Gosh, I'm just sure you know which one Logan is.
Edith: Wait, he's not the really gloomy boy with all the anxieties, is he?
Daisy: Oh, no, that's Duncan.

Edith: Oh, yes, Duncan, of course.  I should have remembered; like Isadora Duncan.
Well, not actually like her.  She wasn't that way at all.

Edith: Hmmm.  Logan...Logan...Logan...Oh, wait, I know!  The smart ass!
Daisy: Yes! That's him!

Edith: Oh, yes, I know Logan.  I like him, Logan's okay.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Imagining Spring

 Nanny Wendy is dealing with a cabin fever revolt in the nursery...

Mikey: We want spring t' come!
Albert: We tired a winter!
Conner: Waaaaaaah!

Nanny Wendy: I know, boys.  It has been a very long winter.
But you can find spring, and anything else you fancy, if you just use your imagination!

Mikey: Maj-a-nashun?
Nanny Wendy: That's right.  Your imagination can take you anywhere
you want to go.  Like, maybe the beach?  Give it a try!

Mikey and Albert: Wow!  Maj-a-nashun is cool!

Albert: Can our friends come too?
Nanny Wendy: Well, why not?  Give it a try!

Mikey: Yay!  Now we gots a party!

Conner: Mag-nun!

Conner: Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!

Nanny Wendy: My goodness, I would say Conner certainly has the hang of it!
Albert: He turn in t' Frank!

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Brake Shoes


Meghan: Well, you will be happy to know that I got Holly Belle calmed down.
She's not going anywhere.
John Martin: That's a relief.
Nathan: How did you manage it?

MeghanOh, it was easy.  I just took her shoe shopping.  
That always does the trick.

MeghanBut, you know, you boys have to be more careful what you say to her.

Meghan: Holly Belle has a brilliant mind, and she's extremely passionate about 
the things she believes in.  You can't just to planting goofy, half-baked ideas in her head!
It's like putting cheap gas in a Maserati.

John MartinGosh!
Nathan: Wow!
Meghan: So, you get what I'm talking about?

John MartinNo, not at all.
Nathan: We're just surprised that you know anything about cars.

Meghan:  Hmmpf!  I'll be back later with our shoe bill.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Holly Belle Goes to Washington

Holly Belle: Ugh, I can't stand watching the news anymore.
>TV clicks off<
Nathan: I can't either.
John Martin: Me neither.

Holly Belle: Those clowns in Washington D.C. make me so mad!
Nathan: I agree.
John Martin: Me too.

Holly Belle: I've got half a mind to go to Washington myself 
and straighten out those blockheads
John Martin: I think you could do it.
Nathan: I think you should do it.
John Martin: Wait, what?

Holly Belle: Well, that settles it.  Excuse me while I pack my bags.
John Martin: Wait, what?

John Martin: Are you sure it was a good idea to encourage her?
Nathan: Relax, she's just blowing off steam.

Holly Belle: All right, I'm off to the nation's capital.  Which way is it?
John Martin: Now Holly Belle...
Holly Belle: Oh, wait, I forgot something.

John Martin: What have you done?!
Nathan: Don't worry.  She's not serious.

Holly Belle: Now I'm ready!
Nathan: Hmmm, then again...

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Follow Your Bliss

 Dr. Kaveh is having a session...

Kaveh: I'm a little confused.  Did you say there was a pony at the door, or a hippo?
Kevin: It could have been either.  Or maybe both?
Kaveh: Hmmm.  Interesting...

Kaveh: Well, circling back to the original issue; 
you say you never know what's going on?
Kevin: Yes, that's my problem.

Kaveh: You know, you don't have to know everything.
There's so much going on in the world, you can't possibly keep up with it all.
Sometimes it's best to just concentrate on the things you really care about
and ignore the rest.  You know the old saying: 'ignorance is bliss.'

Kevin: I guess that makes sense.

Marta: Hi Kevin, how are you today?
Kevin: I'm a...I'm feeling blissful.
Daphne: Good to hear, sweetie!

Bowie: Kevin, my man!  What's shakin'?
Kevin: I'm blissed out!
Blake: Rock on!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

A Moomin-tous Resolution, Part 2


Beatrix: Just about time - this is so exciting!  I've set out the little cakes.
Barbara: And I've made the tea.  I do hope I've made enought.

Beatrix: Actually, I think you've made enough for all of Moominvalley.
There's no danger of that thing exploding, is there?
Barbara: I hope not.  That would really put a damper on the festivities.


Kevin: There's a strange looking white pony at the door for you.
Barbara: Oh, Kevin, that's the Moomin we invited to tea!
Beatrix: Yes, Kevin, do get with the program.

Kevin: I never know what's going on around here.
Barbara: That's all right, dear; at least you realize it.

Barbara: We're so pleased you were able to join us today!


Barbara: That was an absolutely delightful afternoon!
Beatrix: Wasn't it just!  He's such a brilliant conversationalist.
Far more interesting than either Anderson Cooper or Andy Cohen.

Beatrix: You know, this has energized me to tackle some more 
resolutions on that list.  What's next?
Barbara: Let's see...hmmm.  'Clean out the cupboard under the stairs.'

Beatrix: On second thought, there's no need to get carried away so early in the new year.
Barbara: I quite agree.  Nobody likes an overachiever.