Saturday, September 19, 2020

Stephen's Big Dig, Part 2

Stephen Orange sends in his latest report digging for marine fossils with the S.C.S.F.W.F (Sasha Consortium Searching for Weird Fossils)...

Stephen Orange: Hello everyone!  I'm along the shores of the great unsalted seas, looking for previously undiscovered fossils of ancient marine creatures.  We haven't had any luck on our earlier digs, but I am feeling hopeful for today!

Stephen: I think here, close to the water, will be a good spot to dig.

Stephen: Hmmf.  Our first find...only a Lepomis macrochirus. 
Ancestor of the common bluegill.  Bah.

Stephen: Well, an ammonite.  A little more interesting, but really they're ten-a-penny around here.

Stephen: Perhaps if we tried a little further away from the water.  Must remember 
to record all of this for posterity.

Stephen:  >GASP!<

Stephen: Can...can it be?  It looks like  Dunkleosteus!  Very rare; only 10 species known.  
We must dig it up and study it!

Stephen: Time for the trowel.  Must be very careful if I want to extract it whole.  Oooh, this is so exciting!  It's definitely Dunkleosteus, but I can't yet pinpoint the species.  I guess that will be my next project!  I do hope the S.C.S.F.W.F. will be pleased.

Stephen: Success!  Oh my goodness, there's so much to do!  Cataloging, measuring, weighing, reports to collate, articles to winter is booked!  
Can't wait to share with the others at home!

Congratulations to Stephen Orange!  We will leave him here with his 'trophy' and all the follow-up his endeavors will bring.  Doubtless we'll get a full report once he returns to Gregoropolis!  


Dee said...

Well done Stephen Orange! What a find ! maybe if it's an unknown one , they could name it after you?
Wouldn't that be ace!

Looks like you'll be very busy with all the informtion you will now need to record and you may be required to give a leature or two on your discovery and where and how you discovered such a rare and wonderous fossil.

Exciting times ahead

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

wow, that's quite the fossil! He'll be famous! He'll be renown all over the world! Glad the expedition wasn't a waste of time. How refreshing to be at the "unsalted" sea. Will he be returning to Gregoropolis now?

NeverUschi said...

Yes! We knew he'd make it!
Congratulations from my kids!