Saturday, September 14, 2024

Foraging For Mushrooms

Wyatt: Where are you off to, Giancarlo?
Giancarlo: I'm going foraging for wild mushrooms for the spaghetti sauce
that I'm making for dinner tonight.
Wyatt: Sounds like fun.  Can I come along?
Giancarlo: Molto bene!  Of course!

Giancarlo: But we must be careful, amico.  Some varieties of mushrooms are poisonous.
Wyatt: Oh, I know.  I've watched The Beguiled.

Wyatt: What about these?
Giancarlo: No, amico, these are not safe.

Giancarlo: Neither is this one.
Wyatt: It looks like something already tried to eat it.
Giancarlo: Probably my arch enemy, the squirrel.  Serves him right!
I hope he's sitting up in his tree with a bad belly ache.

Wyatt: I have to say these look a little suspicious even to me.

Giancarlo: Very suspicious indeed!

Wyatt: Gee, we're really not having much luck.
Giancarlo: Do not despair, amico.  A mushroom hunter never gives up.

Giancarlo: A-ha!  You see?  

Giancarlo: Now these are good mushrooms!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

those were amazingly suspicious mushrooms...those smiles were a bit too smug! Did you know that every single mushroom in the world is edible? but only once.....

Anonymous said...

Lol . Some strange and wonderful mushrooms in your garden boys! Thank goodness you found some already tinned.... ;)