Sunday, December 15, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 15: Ezra and BR


BR: Hi Ezra, how are you?
Ezra: I can't complain.
Eh, I could, but it wouldn't do me no good.

BR: Uh, sure.  This sure is a pretty calendar this year.
Ezra: Yeah.  Looks just like my hometown of Astoria, Queens.
BR: Really?
Ezra: Nah.

BR: Oookaayy.... hey, it's a little bunny.
Too bad Harriet didn't open this one.
Ezra: No do-overs!

Ezra: I hope it ain't chocolate.
BR: I know, Frank would bite off his ears.

BR: Let's hide him here in the bushes.
Ezra: Yeah, otherwise Uli might try to make hasenpfeffer, haw!

1 comment:

Dee said...

What a sweet little bunny. Mind you what a dangerous place for him to appear what with Frank's taste for chocolate bunny ears and Ulli's hasenpfeffer ! I've only one thing to say RUN BUNNY RUN !