Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Last Crunch of Christmas


Frank: Are you sure they're in there?
Natalie: Oh yes, Luke and Oliver saw Uli put the leftover
Christmas cookies in the freezer.
Frank: They make good informants.  
They don't even know the value of their own intel.

Natalie: Eureka!
Frank: We've struck cookies!

Natalie: I'll pour the milk.
Frank: I don't get it; I mean, why freeze cookies?  
Why not just eat them?

Natalie: You know Uli.  She probably wanted to be prepared
in case the Huns invade or something.
Frank (imitating Uli): "Out of mein kitchen, Hun, or I klub you mit rolling pin!"

Natalie and Frank: HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Frank: Oooh! The milk's coming out my nose!
Natalie: Here, take a napkin.

Natalie: These cookies are a good, but a little hard.
We probably should have waited for them to thaw.
Frank: Who has time for that?

Natalie: Fortunately, we have teeth that are as strong as iron!
Frank: And mighty jaws!

Meghan: What's all that noise coming from the kitchen?
Nathan: Oh, probably just the disposal acting up again.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Lol ! The waste disposal ! Cruel but funny! Ulli is not going to be happy if the Hun's invade and there are no cookies !