Saturday, March 22, 2025

Who's Who?

The population of Gregoropolis has grown so much that even some of the residents have trouble keeping track of each other...

Daisy: So, then Logan said --
Edith: Now wait a minute, which one is Logan?
Daisy: Oh, you know, the brown-haired boy.

Edith: Do you mean the one who always hangs around with that sweet little
blond boy who's been here forever?
Daisy: No, that would be Miguel.  And the blond boy is Sasha.
Edith: Ah, Miguel, yes, I remember now.  And Sasha--now there's a name you don't 
hear very often.  My memory is just rubbish!

Daisy: >Sigh< It's always such a challenge for us, isn't it?
So much to remember, and such a small head to store it all in.

Edith: Well, is Logan the Italian boy who hates squirrels so much?
Daisy: No, that's Giancarlo.

Edith: Oh, of course, Giancarlo.  I recall chatting with him about that once.
He really despises squirrels.  I wonder if he's ever tried modern dance.
You know, channel some of that emotion into movement.  It could be very therapeutic.

Daisy: Gosh, I'm just sure you know which one Logan is.
Edith: Wait, he's not the really gloomy boy with all the anxieties, is he?
Daisy: Oh, no, that's Duncan.

Edith: Oh, yes, Duncan, of course.  I should have remembered; like Isadora Duncan.
Well, not actually like her.  She wasn't that way at all.

Edith: Hmmm.  Logan...Logan...Logan...Oh, wait, I know!  The smart ass!
Daisy: Yes! That's him!

Edith: Oh, yes, I know Logan.  I like him, Logan's okay.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Never mind Edith remembering all these newcomers, what about us followers! I'm not even sure I've seen Edith before!
Then there's their foibles etc, I even have trouble with my own kids!
Then there's remembering their names. . . it's never ending. . .