Friday, December 3, 2021

Advent 2021, Day 3: Rhoda & Wesley


Wesley: There it is, up on top.

Rhoda: I've got the door open, but what is it?

Wesley: Oh, wow. Sure are a lot of little pieces.

Wesley: There we go, just about all put together.
I think it's supposed to be a fireplace.
Rhoda: I'm glad we got this one and not some of the dumber kids.
Wesley: Rhoda!

Wesley: There you go, right by the nice area rug.
Rhoda: I wonder if Santa ever gets rug burns...


RoRoPo said...

Uuuh next they will find some floo powder... Nice outfits, kids!

Dee said...

Rhona doesn't pull her punches! lol Lucky Wesley's there to check her !

Nice that it took a few minutes to put together and then a nice fireplace appeared.

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

Rhoda! that wasn't nice (but secretly we were all thinking it!)