Saturday, July 29, 2023

Adventures in Babysitting

 Nicholas and Scot-Michael had agreed to babysit Curly at the Portland Sasha Festival.  His reputation for being a handful was in no danger of being exaggerated.

The initial introduction was a bit underwhelming...

Nicholas Sahara: Hello, little chap!  My name is Nicholas!
Scot-Michael: And I'm Scot-Michael.
Curly: ???

Nicholas: What?  Where did he go?  Our backs were turned for only a second!
Scot-Michael: How does he do that?

He only wanted to ride the merry-go-round!

Curly: Crrsll!
Nicholas: CURLY NO!!

Scot-Michael: Time to break out the big guns.  
Curly!  We have a present for you!

Curly: Wsskyy!
Nicholas: And we're okay with this, are we?
Scot-Michael: Auntie Diane said it was his favorite!
Nicholas: Oh, crumbs...

Nicholas: Not again!
Scot-Michael: HOW does he do that?!?!

Nicholas: Great Richard the III's ghost!
Curly: >Squeeeeeeeee!!!<

Scot-Michael: Did he fly up there?!?!

Scot-Michael: Okay, pillows in position.
Nicholas: Auntie Diane is going to have our guts for garters...
Scot-Michael: Jump, Curly!

Nicholas: >Whew< A soft landing.
Alright, lad, I'll help you down.
Scot-Michael: LOOK OUT!
Curly: Bonk!

Nicholas: >Ooooof<

Scot-Michael: Nickles, are you okay?!?
Nicholas: Oh my giddy aunt, that gavel packs quite a scallop.
Scot-Michael: Wallop.  Sure you're okay?

Fortunately, his shenanigans have tired Curly out and it's nap time...

Nicholas: Aww, he looks like a wee angel.
Scot-Michael: >Hmph< Only when his eyes are closed.

Scot-Michael: He's out.  Our turn for whiskey.
Nicholas: Scout!

Things are a bit calmer after a little snooze.

Nicholas: Well, Curly, Auntie Diane is here to collect you.
Scot-Michael: >Hmph< And not a moment too soon.
Nicholas: Scout!

Curly: Bye-bye Ncklls >smack< 💗
Nicholas: Oh!  What a nice lad.

Curly: Bye-bye Sktt. >smack< 💗
Scot-Michael: Bye-bye, Curly.  Be a good boy!

One last family portrait.


RoRoPo said...

Oh boys, you are so tough to babysit this little monst... ahem, I meant little angel!!! Of course! He must be an angel because only angels can fly the way he does.
I'm quite sure Aunt Diane is happy with your damn good job, and Daddy will be very proud of you!

Diane said...

Looks like you got him on a good day! We have to have safety locks on anything whihc could hurt him at Sasha Meadow but he is capable of chewing his way through them too. Well done boys, he loved his visit and you can have the job anytime you want xxx

Dee said...

Goodness that child can vanish in an instant! And get into the most dangerous places!
Nicolas and Scout did a good job saving him from his waywardness! Poor old Nickels I hope his head is okay?
Just watchout for that Auntie Diane, she'll be back asking if you can just watch him again , just for a moment while she picks up a ball of yarn and she'll be gone four hours!

You did good boys, make sure the dad's get you a treat, you've earned it.

DollMum said...

Well done boys for being brave (foolhardy?) enough to babysit Curly - thankfully it looks like you all survived the experience!