Saturday, July 15, 2023

The French Revolution

Yesterday, the French kids of Gregoropolis organized a little party to celebrate Bastille Day.

Emile: Uli, do you need assistance with ze crepes?
Uli: Nein.  You do know we do have crepes in Germany, too.
Now leave kitchen, bitte.

Lottie: Ze ribbons are très belle!
Louisette: Oui, and I bought zem on sale.  Zey were leftovers from ze Quatre Julliet.

Emile: Everything ees perfect!  Now we just need zome traditional musique française.

Lulu: Edith Piaf?!?
Emile: My dear, she ees a national treasure!
Lulu: Perhaps eef one ees 80 years old!

Lottie: Lulu et moi 'ave already selected la musique.
Emile: Duran Duran ?!? Zat ees NOT French!

Lulu: Oh really? And I zuppoze you think Simon LeBon is Chinese!?!
Emile: 'E ees anglais!

Lulu: Ees not!
Emile: Ees so!
Lulu: Ees not!
Emile: Ees so!

Lulu: Non!
Emile: Oui!
Lulu: Non!
Emile: Oui!
Both: Grrrrrrrrr...

Louisette: Come, mes amis, can we not compromise?  Sacha Distel, perhaps?
Emile: Hmmmpf!
Lulu: Hmmmpf!

Lulu: I can zee 'ow ze revolution started.
If 'e 'ad been king, I would 'ave wanted to cut off 'ees 'ead too!


RoRoPo said...

They are so cute with their celebrating and their discussions. What a splendid idea to use the ribbons from the sale. The girls are so clever!
I love the little kitchen - and, indeed, as I can confirm, Uli is right: we DO have crepes in Germany ;)

Dee said...

I love it, especially the music choices. I'm sure it could well have been something almost similar that started the revolution, these tales of let them eat cake...

I hope they made up and all had a good time

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

if the kids can quit bickering long enough, they will have a good time! I am in favor of the Duran Duran over Edith Piaf...sorry!!