Saturday, August 26, 2023

Book Lover's Dilemma

Blake: Hi, Frederick.  What're you up to?
Frederick: I'm looking for something to read.
Blake: Oooh!  I've got just the book for you!

Blake: I just finished this one and it's amazing!
Frederick: Hmmm, I'll give it a try.

Frederick: Gosh, this really is a good book!  I can't put it down.

Uli: Supper is ready.
Frederick: Be there in a minute; just one more page.
Uli: >Grumble< Nein! Food now, page later.  >Grumble<

Carolyn: We're going for a walk.  Would you like to join us?
Frederick: Thanks, but I have to finish this chapter.

Wyatt: Want to go outside and play, Frederick?
Frederick: Maybe later...

Blake: Good grief, are you still up?
Frederick: I just have to find out how it ends!

Frederick: Wow, you were right.  This book was totally awesome!
Blake: Great, now turn off the lights and go to sleep!

Frederick: >Sigh<
Daphne: What's wrong?
Frederick: I shouldn't have read it so fast...


Dee said...

Aww Frederick I know that feeling. Having a good book that keeps you turning the pages and unable to put it down and do other things, which naturally means suddenly you've finished it! Of course then you wished you'd paced yourself! Maybe go look online and see if the author's written some others, then you could order one to look forward to arriving.
All readers suffer the book ending blues... until you pick up the next book ;)

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

I know that feeling of having to come back to "real life" after immersing yourself in a good book. Poor Fredrick!