Saturday, August 12, 2023

Scooby-Doo Life Lessons


Frank: Lunch time is my favorite time of day.
Right next to dinner, breakfast, and snack time.
Ravi: Yes, Frank, we know.

Rhoda: Patrick, I have to say I'm surprised by your choice in lunchboxes.
Patrick: It's a good lunchbox.
Rhoda: Oh, no doubt.  It's just that Scooby-Doo seems a bit, uh, whimsical
for a serious guy like yourself.

Ravi: Oh believe me, he has a whimsical side.
Patrick: >Ahem< Yes, well, there's actually a lot that we can all learn from Scooby-Doo.

Rhoda: Do tell.
Patrick: It rejects fear and superstition in favor of rational analysis.
It employs logic to unravel mysteries.  Everything gets sorted out in the end.
Rhoda: That's true.

Frank: I like the way Scooby and Shaggy can fit ginormous sandwiches in their mouths.

Rhoda: I guess you can even learn something from cartoons.

Frank: That's why I watch Looney Tunes.
Ravi: Oh really, Frank; and what have you learned from that?
Frank: I've learned about opera.
Patrick Fair point.  What else?

Frank: Hmmm...Oh! Watch out for anvils falling from the sky!
Rhoda: Right, Frank.  Because that happens so often in life.


Dee said...

Ah Frank we love you ! That Scooby can certainly eat a big sandwich and one never ever knows if an anvil will fall from the sky!

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

Frank, anvils falling from the sky and quicksand are two perils that we are lead to believe are going to be bigger issues in our adult lives than they turn out to be. Cartoons aren't always right!