Saturday, November 18, 2023

Holiday Time Is Family Time, Part 1


Ezra: Hey, what are you guys up to?
Ravi: Patrick and I are working on an extra credit research project.
Ezra: I thought your teacher said you've turned in too many of those already.
Patrick: It's really for our own edification.
Ezra: Well, rock on then.

Anthony: I'm creating a seating chart for Thanksgiving dinner next week.
I always say that a well-planned family event 
is a happy and harmonious event.
Patrick: >Snort< That's the theory, anyway.
Ravi: >Giggle<

Ezra: Wait a minute, how come you got me sitting next to Old Alice?!?
Anthony: Now, now, Old Alice is a very nice person.
Ezra: Nice...and loony! She says weird things, and always talks about how much more
expensive everything is compared to the 1950s.  And she's always going on and on
about her health ailments.  Why does she do that?

Anthony: >Sigh< I'm not sure.  I think after you've spent a long, long time
being rational, sensible, and coherent, at last your brain just sort of rebels, maybe?
Patrick: Good grief, what a horrible thought!
Ravi: Don't worry, cupcake.  I'm sure that will never happen to you.
Patrick: I certainly hope not!

Anthony: Just nod your head and smile.  It's a good life skill to learn.
Ezra: >Mutter< >Grumble<

Ezra: Don't you guys have any sympathy for me?
Ravi: We have to sit next to Holly Belle...
Patrick: So, in a word, no.



Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

lol, Thanksgiving is always the time that you find out you are related to an odd bunch of people! But, it gives us practice for tolerance, as Anthony said. Happy thanksgiving!

Dee said...

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure sitting next to a eccentric relative for one the joy of all eating together such a big beautiful meal won't be the end of the world, just make sure you don't get stuck with them again by sitting on the sofa, find the armchair and make your claim...