Saturday, March 15, 2025

Imagining Spring

 Nanny Wendy is dealing with a cabin fever revolt in the nursery...

Mikey: We want spring t' come!
Albert: We tired a winter!
Conner: Waaaaaaah!

Nanny Wendy: I know, boys.  It has been a very long winter.
But you can find spring, and anything else you fancy, if you just use your imagination!

Mikey: Maj-a-nashun?
Nanny Wendy: That's right.  Your imagination can take you anywhere
you want to go.  Like, maybe the beach?  Give it a try!

Mikey and Albert: Wow!  Maj-a-nashun is cool!

Albert: Can our friends come too?
Nanny Wendy: Well, why not?  Give it a try!

Mikey: Yay!  Now we gots a party!

Conner: Mag-nun!

Conner: Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!

Nanny Wendy: My goodness, I would say Conner certainly has the hang of it!
Albert: He turn in t' Frank!


sashas vintage boutique said...

wow, I think Connor is the best at this! Once frank gets wind of this, all "heck" is going to break loose!

Dee said...

Nanny Wendy is good! She's worth her weight in chocolate ! It does seem to have been a long Winter, I'm not surprised they want to get outside.
Let's hope Frank does not find the power of his imagination any time soon ! The world's got enough problems without everything be covered in chocolate ! . . . . Hold on. . . maybe that could be the answer? FRANK FRANK ! COME HERE A MINUTE. . . WE NEED YOUR HELP. . . .