Saturday, January 4, 2020

Ringing In The New Year

Daddy Steve: How did you ring in the new year?  Here at Gregoropolis, the kids were determined that they were going to greet 2020 right at the stroke of midnight.

Mikko: Daddy Steve, can we have a New Year's Eve party and stay up 'til midnight?
Daddy Steve: Hmm.  Do you really think you'll be able to stay awake that late?
Mikko: Oh sure we can!
Tyler: No problem!

Here's what really happened...

7:30 pm

8:30 pm

9:30 pm

Mikko: >Yawn<  I think he knew all along we'd never make it.
Tyler: Yeah, he's pretty smart for an old man.


Dee said...

lol Yes Daddy Steve knows his children well ! Happy New Year to you all.
I'm looking forward to seeing all the goings on at Gregoropolis in 2020, having enjoyed so much last years posts.

Gregor Daddies said...

Thanks Dee! We've loved keeping up with all of the news from Sasha Village.

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

you outwitted them once more! Saved yourself a lot of argument and wheedling and still had the same result! bravo! All the best to the little and big folks at Gregoropolis in 2020!