Saturday, May 13, 2023

Laptop (Prank #2)


Stephen Orange: Oh, for--now what?!

Philip: What's the matter?
Stephen Orange: The laptop's mouse isn't working!
I just changed the batteries in it yesterday; it should be fine!

Philip: Hmmmm...I bet I know.  Turn the mouse over.
Stephen Orange: What? Why?
Philip: >Sigh<  Just flip it over.

Stephen Orange: What the heck?!
Philip: There you go.  Someone taped a funny face over 
the mouse's sensor.  That's why the cursor wouldn't move.
Stephen Orange: Grrrrrrr...

Stephen Orange: I haven't got time for this nonsense!
I must finish the edits on my article!
I just don't have the time or patience for this.

?: Hee-hee!



Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

lol, I am loving the prankster!! Great emoji on the mouse. Philip was quick to figure it out. Remember the old mouses (mice?!) with the roller ball that got all cruddy? You've have to take it out and clean it with a Q-tip.

Dee said...

It appears a moose is loose about your hoose! A master pranker is at work, time could be of the essence!
Who knows what dastardly prank is next, buckets of water/paper above the door?
Items missing only to be found in strange places...... the boys need to organise.. oh sorry I mean Holly Belle needs to organise a search...good luck