Saturday, July 20, 2024

Moon Over Stockport

 Date: July 20, 1969 

Location: The Frido factory in Reddish, Stockport, England

The following is a (mostly) true story of the strange effect that the moon exerted over the bucolic Cheshire countryside...

Frank: Alright everyone, we need to get all of these tubes shipped out by the 
end of the day to stay on schedule!  They're going to the United States, poor blighters!
You, lad, into a tube.
Wesley: Oh, certainly.

Holly Belle: Hey!
Wesley: Oh, I do beg your pardon, ma'am!  I thought this one was empty.
Holly Belle: Well, aren't you a pretty boy!  I'd love to invite you in,
but I'm afraid there's no room at all in this little bedsit.

Frank: Now, now, quiet down lass.
Holly Belle: Oh, bite me, shorty!

Frank: Hmmph, that one is going to cause somebody a heap of trouble!
Let's find an empty tube for you me boyo, eh?
Hey, just a bloomin' tic!  Are those lashes I see peeking up above 
those blue peepers of yours?  Oh, assistant foreman! Come here!
We've got an eyelash situation!

Randall: These mistakes have been happening a lot, lately.
Frank: Well, best get Doreen over here straight away.
Randall: She's gone home for the day, I'm afraid.
Frank: What the devil?!?
Randall: Brenda and the big boss lady, too.  
They all wanted to watch the US moon landing on telly.

Frank: Moon landing, aye?  So that's why everyone has been so distracted!
Don't those daft Yanks know that a British chap named Wells went to the moon ages ago?
Randall: They're ignorant folk, I'm afraid.
Frank: No matter.  We'll take care of this ourselves.  
Get me that bucket of eyeshadow paint.

Frank: Now hold still.  There, all fixed.
Randall: Er, it's not covering very well.  And you missed an eyelash in the corner.
Frank: What? Nah, it's fine.

Wesley: I'm ever so grateful to you chaps.

Frank: Another job well done.  I think we need to have tea and biscuits!
Randall: Sounds good to me.  I just hope that crazy moon doesn't cause us anymore trouble.

Editor's Note: This post was originally planned for the 50th Anniversary of the U.S. Moon Landing, but we all know that time moves differently in Gregoropolis, so we present it to you now.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

A Force of Nature


Holly Belle: This margarine tastes just like butter.  

>BOOM<  Holly Belle: It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!  >CRASH<

Oliver: Uh, actually, it is butter.

>BOOM<  Holly Belle: It's not nice to disagree with Mother Nature!  >CRASH<

Holly Belle: Wipe off the table when you're finished.
It's not nice to make Mother Nature clean up after you!

>BOOM<  Oliver and Luke: EEEEK!!!  >CRASH<


Patrick: That's absurd.  Don't you think it's more likely that she just had
Megan flick the lights on and off and make those noises?
Luke: No! She really can summon thunder and lightning!

Ravi: Well, I suppose if anyone could do it, Holly Belle could.
Patrick: Dear, don't encourage that kind of illogical behavior.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Sweet Adventure II

 Daddy John: It's summer!  Time for our annual pilgrimage to a favorite emporium.  

BR: We're all buckled up and ready to go!

Can you guess where we're headed?

Pete Dakota: Hurry up, Daddy John!

BR: Wow.  I mean, wow.
Pete Dakota: Nicholas and Scot-Michael weren't kidding about this place!

BR: So. Many. Pop Rocks...

We had to investigate all the props too!

Pete: Too bad the England Festival is over. 
We could have called our friends from a real British telephone box!

Pete Dakota: Seaweed flavored chips?!?
No thank you!

Speaking of telephone boxes...

BR: Did Daddy John go in and flip all the switches and press all the buttons?
Of course he did.

Pete: This place smells amazing!
BR: But I'm sure these pies aren't good as Uli's.
Pete: I bet it's a close thing, though.

BR: It's going to be a great summer.
Pete: The giant jellybean said so!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Summer Blogcation


We're taking a little vacation for June.
We'll be back in July.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Hide the Donut


Sally: Ready for our shopping trip?  I feel the need for some 'retail therapy.'
Farrah: We're just waiting for Wendy.  She said she would be here in a tick.

Nanny Wendy: Okay, I'm ready to go.  
Uli is going to take care of baby Conner for me.
Farrah: And who got stuck watching the two little monsters?

Nanny Wendy: Now, now...Mikey and Albert are under the care of Frank and Natalie.
Sally: Frank and Natalie?!?  How are those two qualified to watch after toddlers?
Nanny Wendy: They're qualified because they volunteered.
Farrah: Volunteered?!?
Nanny Wendy: Well, a small bribe may have been involved.
Now, come on, let's leave while peace and quiet prevail.

Frank: Okay you two rugrats, we're gonna play a really fun game.
Isn't that right, Natalie?
Natalie: The absolute funnest!  It's called 'Hide the Donut.'

Frank: You guys are going to run all around the house for five, ten minutes...
Natalie: A really long time.
Frank: Yeah, a really long time, and while you're running, we'll hide the donuts.
Then, when you're done, you'll look for the donuts, and eat all the ones you find.
Doesn't that sound like fun?
Mikey and Albert: EEEEYYYYAAAA!!!!

Natalie: Okay, you get the milk.

Carolyn: Hmm, you two think you're pretty clever.
I believe those donuts were meant to be shared.
Frank: Well, the trouble with sharing is that when taken to an extreme,
nobody ends up with anything.
Natalie: Yes, this is a much better arrangement.
They're happy, we're happy.  It's a win-win.

Carolyn: And what happens when they realize the donuts are all gone?
Frank: Donuts?  What donuts?
Natalie: That's the great thing about toddlers.
They have extremely short attention spans.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Apollo's Garden

 Daddy John:  It's a beautiful day in Gregoropolis, so the boys have bolted for the backyard to seek out fun and adventure...

Stephen Orange: Why is there a statue of a pig in the garden?
Philip Guy: I believe Daddy John calls him 'Wilbur.'
Legend has it if you rub Wilbur's snout, you'll have fun all day long!
Go on, give his snout a good rub.
Stephen Orange: I'm wearing the 'fun' shorts.  Isn't that enough?
Philip: No. It is not.  

Stephen Orange: >Sigh<
Philip: Good job!
Stephen Orange: Well?  Are we having fun yet?
Philip: We are indeed.  Race you!
Stephen Orange: ...
Stephen Orange: Okay

Daddy John: Now, what are the other two up to? I don't see -- oh, dear...

Scot-Michael: C'mon, Pete!  We're almost at the top!

Pete Dakota: >Puff, puff<  
It's like climbing the Eiffel Tower.

Scot-Michael: I bet we can see the whole neighborhood from up here!

Nicholas Sahara: 'Garden of Apollo.'  Now this sounds smashing.
Let's take a turn about the place.
Kirwan Mahoney: Ugh, sounds boring.  You go ahead; 
I'm going to see what the others are doing.

Nicholas: Well now, this must be the man himself.
Hullo, mate.  Lovely garden you have here.


Nicholas: Aaaahhh!  He talks!
How do you know my name?!?!
Apollo: I AM APOLLO!
Nicholas: Great Richard the III's Ghost!
Apollo: AND I DECREEE---Hee-hee-hee
Nicholas: What on earth?

Kirwan: Hee-hee!  Gotcha!
Nicholas: Ooh, he's taking the mickey.  Well played, old man!