Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Moomin-tous Resolution, Part 1


Beatrix: Just out of curiosity, how are we doing with the
list of New Year's resolutions we made?
Barbara: Oh, you mean the one we wrote out after the second mug of eggnog?
Beatrix: Yes, while we were listening to Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen chunter on
about lacrosse or escalators or dim sum...something like that.

Barbara: Well, appears that nothing on the list has been checked off yet.
Beatrix: Phooey and drat!  Perhaps we need to take a more active approach.
Barbara: Ooooh, do go on.

Beatrix: We just need to pick one and go do it.  
No more procrastination!  Here, like this one.
Barbara: 'Invite a Moomin to tea.'
Hmmm, do we actually know any Moomin?

Beatrix: It just so happens that I have one in my contacts.  I'll just send him a text.
Barbara: Oh, clever old thing!  I knew there was a reason you're my best bestie!

Beatrix: There, it's all set.  He's coming over the day after tomorrow.
Barbara: We'd better start preparing!


Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Last Crunch of Christmas


Frank: Are you sure they're in there?
Natalie: Oh yes, Luke and Oliver saw Uli put the leftover
Christmas cookies in the freezer.
Frank: They make good informants.  
They don't even know the value of their own intel.

Natalie: Eureka!
Frank: We've struck cookies!

Natalie: I'll pour the milk.
Frank: I don't get it; I mean, why freeze cookies?  
Why not just eat them?

Natalie: You know Uli.  She probably wanted to be prepared
in case the Huns invade or something.
Frank (imitating Uli): "Out of mein kitchen, Hun, or I klub you mit rolling pin!"

Natalie and Frank: HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Frank: Oooh! The milk's coming out my nose!
Natalie: Here, take a napkin.

Natalie: These cookies are a good, but a little hard.
We probably should have waited for them to thaw.
Frank: Who has time for that?

Natalie: Fortunately, we have teeth that are as strong as iron!
Frank: And mighty jaws!

Meghan: What's all that noise coming from the kitchen?
Nathan: Oh, probably just the disposal acting up again.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Advent 2024: Review: Frederick and Holly Belle


Holly Belle: >Satisfied sigh< Another successful advent calendar.
Well, a couple of hiccups, but overall, a resounding achievement.

Holly Belle: >Grrrr< I forgot about this one.
Mikko and Tyler are overdue for a good talking-to.

Frederick: Holly Belle!  Holly Belle!  It's here!
Holly Belle: What are you talking about?  What's here?

Frederick: Mrs. Claus!  Daddy John called the Lego people and
 they sent us a replacement prize!  We can complete the advent calendar now!

Holly Belle: How delightful!  I just knew it would all work out.
Let's put her together and get her on the playmat.

Frederick: You know, I can't quite put my finger on it 
but this figure reminds me of someone...

Holly Belle: There, with Santa right where she belongs.
Frederick: Oh!  I know!  She looks like that presenter on that 
British baking show...Prue Leith!

Holly Belle: Don't be ridiculous.  Who's Prue Leith?
Frederick: She writes picture books about gracious baking.
I worship her.  

Frederick: I can just imagine her judging this girl's Christmas cookies.
Prue says "Your sugar cookies are neat as a pin..."
The Girl says "Thank you, they're in honor of my great-auntie Mabel and
I found the sprinkles in a little Christmas market in Weston-Super-Mare."
Then Prue says "Unfortunately, while they look lovely, 
they taste a bit claggy.  What a pity."

We hope you enjoyed this year's Advent Adventures.

Gregoropolis will be taking some much-needed time off 
and will return in February 2025!


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 24: Nanny Wendy, Toddlers Mikey and Albert, and Baby Conor


Nanny Wendy: Okay boys, time to open the last door of the Advent calendar!
That means Santa comes tonight and presents tomorrow!
Boys: Yayyyyyyyy!!!
Nanny Wendy: So, we'll open the door and see what the prize is.
Then it's bath time and big brother Stephen Orange will read you a bedtime story.

Mikey: Will Steeben read a Christmas story?
Nanny Wendy: Oh, yes, indeed!  
Albert: And do the voices?
Nanny Wendy: He certainly will--he knows that's your favorite part.

Mikey: We got the toy!
Albert: It's Santa!!
Conor: Sanna!
Nanny Wendy: That's good cooperation, boys!
Conor: Coppershun.

Nanny Wendy: That's Santa and his bag of toys, Conor.
Conor: Sanna an' doys.

Nanny Wendy: There, he belongs up top with his reindeer.
He looks like he's flying through the air, delivering the presents.

Nanny Wendy: We'll place him next to the, uh, oh my.
Heavens, what is that?
Conor: Sanna an' bug.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 23: Holly Belle and Meghan


Meghan: Well, what do you think Holly Belle?
Looks to me like another successful advent adventure.

Holly Belle: Yes, you're quite right.
This has been the best one yet, if I do say so myself.

Meghan: There's our door, upstairs of the house.

Holly Belle: I do hope our prize is something good.
That missing Mrs. Claus-extra snowman debacle nearly derailed the whole thing.

Holly Belle: The picture shows it's maybe a little sled?

Meghan: But these pieces are odd colors 
and don't seem to match the picture on the door.

Holly Belle: What IS this? This is NOT a Christmas sled!
Meghan: Some sort of outer space bug?

Holly Belle and Meghan: AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

Mikko: What's all the yelling?
Holly Belle: YOU!! You two have RUINED Christmas!!
Tyler: We had NOTHING to do with it!
Why does everyone always blame us?!?

Meghan: Wait a minute, Holly Belle.
I've found another package behind the door.

Meghan: I think someone added in the space bug to fool us.
Holly Belle:  The actual sled.  >Whew<
Meghan: I'm inclined to believe Mikko and Tyler.
This kind of trick doesn't fit their style.

Holly Belle: We'll put the snow sled in the snow.
>Whew< We've saved Christmas from total disaster.
Meghan: I think you might owe Mikko and Tyler an apology...
Holly Belle: >Hmmpf< Well, we'll just see...I bet they know who did this.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 22: Kaveh and James


James: Did you hear Mikko and Tyler yesterday?
Kaveh: Yes, muttering between themselves.
James: Never a good sign.
Kaveh: I dare say they're up to something.

Kaveh: Now then, what day are we looking for?
James: 22!  Only two more nights before Santa and presents!

James: Is that what I think it is?

Kaveh: What are you thinking? 

Kaveh and James: It's a train!

Kaveh: I just love trains!
James: It is pretty great, yeah.  
Kaveh: And look at that smoke plume!

James: Of course he has to go around the tree!

Kaveh: >Sigh< A train around a Christmas tree
is just about the best thing ever.
James: C'mon, a mug of Uli's hot chocolate
will make it even better.