Saturday, October 12, 2024

Aspiring Botanist

Chance Victor is admiring the flora of Arizona.  But we did keep a sharp eye out for tarantulas!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Meeting the New Boy VII: Chance Victor

Scot-Michael: Wow!  Looking good!  Where's the ball, Prince Charming?
Nicholas Sahara: >Ahem< As we're meeting our new brother today, 
I thought it best to not look slovenly.  We do so want to make a good impression.

Scot-Michael: As I recall, when you found me in the backyard, 
you were wearing a tee shirt and shorts.
Nicholas: And as I recall, you were dressed in nothing but an undershirt
and your underwear.
Scot-Michael: Good point.
Nicholas: Thank you.
Now, I do believe I hear Philip bringing the new boy 'round.

Philip Guy: So that was the kitchen, and, um, Uli.
Chance Victor: Er, she seemed a bit tense.
Philip: The kitchen is her kingdom.  Pay proper homage
and she'll reward you with the best pastries in the world.
Chance: So noted.   >Ha-ha<
Nicholas: >Ahem<

Philip: Oh! Chance, this is Nicholas Sahara and Scot-Michael.
Guys, this is our new brother, Chance Victor.
Chance: Hi!

Nicholas: Prince Johan Paul Nicholas Sahara Montestan-Gregor. 
At your service, sir.
Chance: Oh, wow.  Um, just Chance Victor.  Nice to meet you, er,
Prince John...uh...what was the rest?
Nicholas: Oh, do not fret yourself, old boy.  Just call me Nicholas.

Scot-Michael >whispering<: I heard he came with a boatload of clothes?
Philip >whispering<: Yeah, but, um, there's a problem with that.
Scot-Michael >whispering< Where to store them all?
Philip >whispering<: Worse.  The boat is missing!

Nicholas: We'll need to introduce you to the rest of the chaps.
They're all jolly nice, the lot of them.  You needn't worry.
Philip: >snort<

Scot-Michael >whispering<: Only you could describe Stephen Orange as 'jolly nice.'
Nicholas >whispering<: Well, he can be.  Hush now, Scout.

Scot-Michael: Philip tells us you're actually a model?
Chance: Yeah!  It's nothing too glam, 
but I sure get a lot of clothes by the top designers!
Wanna see me in action?
Philip: Go for it!

Boys: Ooooooohh!
Chance: The photographers all love this pose.
I have no idea what I'm supposed to be pointing at, ha.

Chance: But we can't find my wardrobe!
My trunk holding everything has disappeared!
Philip: I'm sure it'll turn up in no time.

Chance: I sure hope so!
I'm going to Arizona with Daddy John next week
and I need my clothes!

Meanwhile, in the basement...

Noah Conrad: HEY!  Who put this box of clothes here?!?!
I can't get to my workbench!

Kirwan Mahoney: >Hee-hee!<


Saturday, September 28, 2024

Old Age

Anthony: I can't believe it.   Summer's over, 
and I didn't get nearly all of the things accomplished that I wanted to.
Old Alice: Oh, dearie, you're just getting old.  That's all.

Anthony: Old?!?! >Ack!< I don't want to be old!
Old Alice: It's not so bad.  There are a lot of advantages to getting old.
You can focus on comfort over fashion; I never wear a girdle anymore.

Old Alice: People give up their seats for you on the bus.
And if they don't, you can smack them with your shopping bag.

Ezra: Wow! Does that happen very often?
Old Alice: Not at all.  In fact, the people in adjacent seats usually move too.
So thoughtful!

Old Alice: Best of all, when you're old you can say the most outrageous things
and everyone pretends they didn't hear you.
Anthony: What?!

Old Alice: Well, they try to pretend but you know they hear you.
You can tell by the uncomfortable looks on their faces.  What fun!

Old Alice: I must dash now.  Time to re-apply my bunion cream.

Ezra: Gee, I can't wait to get old!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Conceptually Speaking

Ann Marie: Since you boys are watching TV, can we assume that 
you have your school projects finished?
Tyler: Not exactly.

Daphne: Well, do you have a plan for getting them done?

Tyler: Not exactly.

Mikko: Actually, we have concepts of a plan.

Ann Marie: "Concepts of a plan"?!?  Honestly!

Daphne: >Tee-hee<  Oh sweetie, we've all got those!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Foraging For Mushrooms

Wyatt: Where are you off to, Giancarlo?
Giancarlo: I'm going foraging for wild mushrooms for the spaghetti sauce
that I'm making for dinner tonight.
Wyatt: Sounds like fun.  Can I come along?
Giancarlo: Molto bene!  Of course!

Giancarlo: But we must be careful, amico.  Some varieties of mushrooms are poisonous.
Wyatt: Oh, I know.  I've watched The Beguiled.

Wyatt: What about these?
Giancarlo: No, amico, these are not safe.

Giancarlo: Neither is this one.
Wyatt: It looks like something already tried to eat it.
Giancarlo: Probably my arch enemy, the squirrel.  Serves him right!
I hope he's sitting up in his tree with a bad belly ache.

Wyatt: I have to say these look a little suspicious even to me.

Giancarlo: Very suspicious indeed!

Wyatt: Gee, we're really not having much luck.
Giancarlo: Do not despair, amico.  A mushroom hunter never gives up.

Giancarlo: A-ha!  You see?  

Giancarlo: Now these are good mushrooms!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Brother Incoming

Daddy John: The Electric Eight have convened a summit in the living room.  Everyone looks so serious (well, almost everyone).  I wonder what the topic of discussion is...

BR: I've called you all here this morning--

Kirwan Mahoney: --to identify the murderer!
Stephen Orange: Oh hush up, you.

BR: As I was saying.  This is rumor control and here are the facts.
We are getting a new brother!


Stephen Orange: Oh, no!  Not another one!  This is a nightmare.
Kirwan Mahoney: Oh hush up, you!

Noah Conrad: You dragged me out of my workshop for this?
Just tell the new guy not to touch my tools with out asking.

Philip Guy: Well I think it's great!
I wonder if he's bringing a pet or anything with him?
Stephen Orange: Hmmmph.

Pete Dakota: From what we've been told so far, 
he's bringing A LOT of clothes.

Nicholas Sahara: Jolly nice! And an extensive wardrobe, you say?  Wonder if the chap'll share?
Scot-Michael: Do you know his name or when he's coming?

BR: No name yet, and he's arriving in the next couple of weeks.