Friday, May 31, 2019

Hello Tree

Daddy Steve:  You may remember last spring we posted that one of our trees was ailing and had to be taken down (Farewell Tree). We vowed that we would eventually plant a new one to take its place.

Patrick and Ravi did a lot of research and determined that a flowering crab would be the ideal choice.  It doesn't grow too tall, and it gets lots of bright pink blossoms in the spring.

Ravi: What do you think?
Daisy: Oh, it's lovely!  Pink is my favorite color.

And so, tree planting time arrived last weekend.

Patrick: We're ready to plant, Daddy Steve!

Ravi: We'll need to dig an awfully big hole.

We wanted the new tree close to where the old one had been, which made the work more difficult.  While digging, we ran into lots of large roots from the old tree that had to be chopped out.

Before we even got the tree planted, a honey bee had found it and was busy collecting pollen.

We finally got the tree settled into its new home.  We think it looks happy.

Although all the old roots slowed planting down, Patrick and Ravi later explained that ultimately they will be beneficial.

Patrick: As the old roots decay, they'll provide nutrients for the new tree.
Holly Belle: So, it's like the old tree will always be with us?
Ravi: Exactly!  It's the circle of life.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Girl In The Garden 2

Daddy Steve: Ulli thought that her pretty new dress would look very striking against the lilac, which is just starting to bloom.

The problem was that the blossoms were too high for her to reach.

Ulli: Assistance, bitte!

Ulli: Danke!  It's difficult sometimes for us shorter volks.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

You Could Really Be A Beau Brummel, Baby

Ann Marie: Where's Frank?  I thought he wanted to come along on our walk.
Giancarlo: He's changing clothes.
Robin: I didn't think Frank ever changed clothes unless Daddy Steve made him.
Ann Marie: Well, find out what's taking him so long.  The dogs are getting impatient.
Krakatoa: Yip, yip!
Annabelle: Woof!

Giancarlo: Hey, Frank, are you ready?
Frank: Almost.  Just putting on a sweater 'cos it's chilly outside.

Frank: Okay!  Let's go.
Ann Marie: Um, is that what you're wearing?
Frank: Yeah...why?
Ann Marie: Oh, nothing.  It's just that, well, what you have on doesn't go together so well.
Robin: I'm afraid you do look a bit mismatched.

Frank: Well, my pants have Spider-Man on them; and Spider-Man is very cool.
Giancarlo: Oh, definitely!

Frank: I've got purple sneakers on; and purple is a cool color, isn't it?
Robin: Yes, of course.

Frank: And my sweater's got a dinosaur on it; and dinosaurs are very cool, right?
Ann Marie: Well, I guess, but...

Frank: Sooooo, it all matches!  Let's go!

Robin: I have to say, there is a certain logic to it.
Ann Marie: Yes there is.  In a Frank sort of way.

Title courtesy "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me" by Billy Joel

Friday, May 17, 2019

Edible Art

Daddy Steve: While out on my noontime walk, I discovered that the bakery near my office was giving out free cupcakes; and Daddy Steve has never been one to turn down anything free.

Who could refuse a cupcake?  I wasn't really all that hungry, so I decided to take it home.  Surely somebody in Gregoropolis could be talked into eating it...

Luke: Oooh, a cupcake!
Frank: A chocolate cupcake!
Oliver: My favorite!

Luke: In a way, it's almost too pretty to eat.
Frank: It's a work of art.
Oliver: Especially the way it's all swirly on top.

Luke: Hmmm...
Frank: Hmmm...
Oliver: Hmmm...

Frank: Alright, let's dig in!
Luke and Oliver: Yayyyy!!!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Prepping For Cincinnati (Benjamin Roy)

Daddy John: A beautiful day finds BR working on his new motorcycle...

Benjamin Roy: Come here, you glorious beast.  Let's give you a tune-up!

BR: 🎶  He wore black denim trousers and motorcycle boots... 🎶

BR: 🎶 ...and a black leather jacket with an eagle on the back... 🎶

BR: Hmmm...I feel like I've forgotten something.

BR: 🎶 He had a hopped-up 'cicle that took off like a gun... 🎶

BR:  Ain't she a beaut! I think I... >gasp!<

BR: I was supposed to help Pete pack for our trip!  Oh no!


"Black Denim Trousers and Motorcycle Boots" written by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller

Friday, May 3, 2019

A Little Redecorating

Daddy Steve: It's springtime, and the girls have been bitten by the decorating bug!

Holly Belle: This place could really use some sprucing up.
Tyler: What's wrong with it?
Mikko: It looks fine to me.
Meghan: It looks... and a bachelor pad.  It needs some color.
Daphne: And pictures on the walls!
Holly Belle: And how did the mopboards get so scuffed up?
Tyler: Oh, heh, that happened when we were playing soccer in the house.

Holly Belle: >Sigh<  Those two are hopeless.  I say it's time we do a little redecorating.
Meghan: Yay!  Let's go to the home store and get paint chips.
Daphne: I love paint chips!

Holly Belle: What do you think of this color?
Luke: That's nice.
Holly Belle: Well, what about this color?
Luke: That's nice, too.
Holly Belle: How about this one?
Luke: That's nice, too.
Meghan: Frank, don't you have any opinion?
Frank: They all look the same to me.

John Martin: Daphne, you're going to paint??
Daphne: Of course!  Just because I'm a posh girl, that doesn't mean I'm afraid to get my hands dirty.
Holly Belle: And we just know you would love to help us out, too, wouldn't you?
John Martin: Uh, sure.  >Drat<

A little while later...

Holly Belle: Oh, now this looks very nice!
Daphne: Très chic!
Meghan: I love it!
John Martin: It looks like bubble gum.
Holly Belle, Daphne, Meghan: LAVENDER!!

Daphne: Family photos add such a homey touch.
Meghan: Let's lay them out on the floor first...
Holly Belle: ...And then we arrange them the way we want.  John Martin can then help us hang them up, right?
John Martin: Uh, sure  >Drat<

Meghan: Beautiful!
Holly Belle: Perfect!
Daphne: Such lovely ladies!
John Martin: I have to admit, it does look nice.

Holly Belle: Now we can start on the all the other rooms!
John Martin: Oh drat....