Sunday, April 12, 2020

Bunny's Revenge

It's the night before Easter and everyone is asleep.  Almost everyone, that is...

Frank: Must eat bunny ears...must eat bunny ears...must eat bunny ears...

Just as the Bunny Bandit is about to attack his next victim, a booming voice calls out!

Booming Voice: FRAAANK!  What are you doing?!
Frank: >gasp<  Who is it?!  Who's there?!

Great Bunny: It is I! I am the Great Bunny!  Why are you trying to make my people deaf?

Frank: G-g-g-gosh, Mr. Great Bunny, I-I-I don't mean to.  I just get this craving for 
chocolate bunny ears sometimes.
Great Bunny: Well, stop!  My people need their ears to hear, as well as for appearance's sake.  A rabbit without ears looks like a fat ugly squirrel!

Frank: O-o-okay, Mr. Great Bunny, I promise I will stop.
Great Bunny: Good!  Now go back to bed.
Frank: Uh, can I go to the bathroom first?
Great Bunny: Fine, but don't leave the seat up.  You know how that irritates your sisters!

Rhoda: Hee-hee!  Did you see the look on Frank's face?
Daphne: Yes, I think he's definitely learned his lesson this time!
Holly Belle: And about time, too.  Those chomped off ears were really starting to vex me.  
Come on, we'd better get the 'Great Bunny' deflated and hidden away.

And come Easter morning...

James: Hey!  Look!  No missing ears!
Rolf: Wunderbar!

Luke: Happy Easter, Frank!
Gavin: Are you okay?
Frank: Well, I didn't sleep so good.  I had the strangest dream.
Luke: Would you like a chocolate egg?
Frank: No, I think I'll stick to these jelly beans.  I've lost my taste for chocolate for some reason.



Dee said...

WHAT ! Lost his taste for chocolate!!!!! Goodness the girls trick really hit home with Frank ! mind you I think most people would be put off when confronted by a giant booming bunny telling them off!

Could this be the end of Frank's chocolate eating days?
Will he turn to cakes to fulfil his cravings?
Or VEG?????
Are all Chocolate bunny ears now safe for eternity or at least the night before Easter?
Only time and Frank will tell...............

Serenata said...

Oh dear, poor Frank! Glad there were Easter eggs and bunnies! at your house. Our Rabid Rabbit Richard, was tasked with filling in for the Easter Bunny, and none got delivered, so guessing he must have eaten them all himself! ;)

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

Lol, I'd feel sorry for frank, but he kinda had it coming! Those girls....gotta watch them! I love how they threw in a plug for putting the toilet seat down while they were at it!! Let me guess who played the role of big booming voice: Holly Belle! I suspect the taste for chocolate will return sooner than later!

Triciamj said...

Your girls are clever as well as beautiful, although I suspect Frank will soon regain his taste for chocolate