Saturday, September 10, 2022

Meeting The New Boy V, Part 1

 Daddy John: Space has become a premium at Gregoropolis due to a couple of new siblings.  The Sensational 6 are about to meet one such arrival...

Noah: >♪ Hmmm ♫ hmmm ♬ hmmm ♪<

Nicholas Sahara: Great Richard the III's ghost! You gave me a fright.
Noah: Uh, sorry?

Scot-Michael: Nickles?  Did you find the tape measure?
Oh, hi.  Who's this?
Nicholas: Er, we hadn't gotten that far as of yet.

Philip Guy: Are you guys coming?
Stephen Orange: What's the hold up?
Noah: Did a clown car just let out?
Nicholas: Well, sir, we're just a bit flummoxed. 
We weren't expecting a stranger in the workshop.

Noah: My name's Noah Conrad and I guess I'm your new brother.
I heard about the workshop, so thought I'd see what's what.

Philip: >Are we sure he can see anything under those bangs?<
Scot-Michael:  >Ssshh!<

Stephen Orange: Oh lord, not another one!!!!



Anonymous said...

Those boys! They have such different personalities, yet still get along. All will be good, Noah.

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

wow! you're back! yay!! The boys sure are confused and I can't way I blame them....

Dee said...

A stranger in the workshop!
Check him for weapons boys.. you never can tell ;)