Saturday, November 25, 2023

Holiday Time Is Family Time, Part 2


Old Alice: Her name is Swifty Taylors, or something like that, and she looks like 
she's 12 years old.  I had a parakeet that could sing better than that.
Now, Rosemary Clooney - she was a singer!  Have you seen the price of eggs lately?!?
Why, in 1950 you could get a dozen for 60¢.  You give those chickens an inch, and 
they'll take a mile.  Say, have I told you about my bunion?
Ezra: >Sigh<


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

why am I always seated next to an "Old Alice" at every family event?! lol!

Dee said...

LOL poor Ezra, I take it all back, someone save that lad before he gives up the will to live!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all at Gregoropolis