Saturday, February 3, 2024

Not So Smoothie


Serena: Oh my, this looks serious.
Dan Ryan: Guess what I'm doing!

Serena: By the looks of it, I'd say you just pureed Sigmund the Sea Monster.
Dan Ryan: What? No, I'm making a health drink!  It's my New Year's resolution.

Serena: Wow, I'm impressed that you've kept it going for over a month now.
Dan Ryan: Er, well, not exactly.  I got a bit of a late start.

Serena: 'A late start' in starting today?
Dan Ryan: Er, uhhh, yeah.
Serena: Hey, no judgement here.  I haven't even looked at my Marie Kondo book yet.
Come to think of it, I can't even find it.

Dan Ryan: I'm totally committed now, though.  
I read that if you drink one of these every day, you'll live longer.
Serena: I have no doubt it will seem longer.
Gosh, who would have thought of putting bananas and kale together?

Dan Ryan: Well, here's to health!  Would you like a glass?
Serena: I'll pass for now.  Cheers!

Dan Ryan: Oh, blecccchh! Ick!  Phooey! This stuff is awful!
Serena: Imagine that.  
Come on, honey, let me make you my version of a health drink.

Serena: You've got to nourish the soul, too, you know?
Dan Ryan: Right.  I'm feeling healthier already!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

yay, you're back!! I have missed my weekly visits with the little family in Minnesota!! I am with Serena on the "health" drink!!!

Dee said...

New years healthy fads are never a good idea and mushing strange things together is almost always going to tasty nasty! I'm with Serena choice, feed the soul!
Hope you all had a nice rest and avoid any 'healthy' drinks ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad your back