Halloween, the old way...
Step 1: Buy Candy
Anthony: This is to pass out, not to eat.
Mikko & Tyler: Aw, man!
Step 2: Get costumes ready
Ann Marie: I was a witch last year.
Meghan: Maybe we can turn it into a clown's hat?
Step 3: Pass out candy to trick-or-treaters
Anthony: Now, don't eat any.
Frank: Who, me?
Step 4: Go trick-or-treating and collect our own candy.
Benjamin Roy: Say 'Trick or Treat,' Pete Dakota.
Pete Dakota: Trick or treat Pete Dakota!
Step 5: Eat the candy (and whatever wasn't passed out)
Meghan: You guys are going to get tummy aches.
Rhoda: Are you kidding? We're starving!
James: Yeah, we had to walk miles and miles for this candy!