Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Special Kind Of Love


Holly Belle: Oh, there you are Nathan.  Did you hang up that picture liked I asked?
Dan Ryan: Pardon me, ma'am, but I don't have a clue what you're talking about.
Holly Belle: Why are you calling me "ma'am"? Why do you look different?
Dan Ryan: Because I am different!

Holly Belle: Eeek!  There are two of you!
Nathan: I respectfully disagree.  There's only one of me.  What about you?
Dan Ryan: I'm pretty sure I'm the only me around here.

Nathan Allow me to introduce Dan Ryan, my nearly identical cousin from Chicago.
Dan Ryan: Pleased to make your acquaintance, ma'am. Nathan's told me so much about you.
Holly Belle: Please stop calling me "ma'am."  
And that's ridiculous; there is no such thing as identical cousins
Nathan: That's why we're nearly identical.

Holly Belle: Hmm.  And what exactly has Nathan told you about me?
Dan Ryan: Oh, only good things, ma'am.  He says that you're actually quite lucid when you 
manage to stay calm.
Holly Belle: >Sigh<  As if one you wasn't bad enough!  Two of you will be the death of me.
Ugh.  I need to lay down.

Nathan: Hee-hee!  We really had her going!  >Fist bump!<
Dan Ryan: We sure did.  Although, I'm curious.  I thought you were kind of sweet on her; why are we trying to drive her batty?

Nathan: Actually, driving someone batty can be a special kind of love.
Dan Ryan:  Hmmm, okaaaayyy....


Triciamj said...

I agree Nathan - but don't overdo it ;-)

Gregor Daddies said...

LOL Tricia! Good point. A little of that kind of love goes a long way!

Dee said...

Aww poor Holly Belle, two identical cousins ;) Nathan defo has a special kind of love for Holly Belle ! lol
Dan Ryan looks a handsome lad , just like his cousin and so polite... mm Nathan may have to be careful Holly Belle doesn't move her affections....

NeverUschi said...

Lucky Holly Belle! They are two exceedingly handsome identical cousins. So she'll have a hard time if she decides to choose between them.

RoRoPo said...

Take two, take two... This wellknown slogan (around here wellknown) may be the solution of this problem?
But maybe two of them IS too much!