Saturday, June 5, 2021

Bear-y Nice Postcards from The Last Frontier

 Daddy John: The boys have received a couple of postcards from my sister...

Pete Dakota: Hey, we got some mail from Auntie Sue!
BR: All the way from where she lives in Alaska.

BR: This one has a map and some facts about Alaska.  
You see can see her town listed on the map.  It's right near Anchorage.
Daddy John: Do you think she can see Russia from her house?
BR and Pete: What?
Daddy John: Never mind; old joke.

Pete: And this one has bear cubs on it.  
I wonder if there are a lot of bears in Alaska?

BR: Auntie Sue says the snow in her yard is all gone,
 but there's still quite a bit on the mountains.

Pete: Maybe Daddys John and Steve will take us there some day.
I'd like to see bear cubs.  And moose!
BR: But not up close.
Pete: Wouldn't want to get between Mama Bear and her cubs!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

so glad to see the gregoropolis kids back in action! How many postcards have arrived so far? The boys must be over the moon with the selection. Think of all they will learn from all these wonderful locations!

Dee said...

Wow your aunt lives in Alaska ! What lovely cards she sent you , especially the family of brown bears ! I wonder if they wander into where she lives and check out her bins for food when it's summer !
Nice to see you back enjoying some garden sunshine.

RoRoPo said...

Always good to have an auntie who lives in interesting places and sents postcards! Our sled dogs - especially the big Malamute - would love to luive in Alaska. Here in Germany it is already too hot.
Great garden stools!
Nice photos...