Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sock It To Me!

Valerie: Good heavens, what happened here?
Serena: Well, I'm in a bit of a panic.
Valerie: I can see that.  What's the problem?
Serena: I can't find the right socks to go with this outfit!

Valerie: What's wrong with the ones you have on?
Serena: Oh, no no no...they just won't do.
I have my heart set on purple socks.  >Sigh< Woe to me.

Valerie: Calm down.  I have an idea.

Bowie: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Valerie: See? I told you Bowie would have purple socks.
He says that all rock stars wear purple socks.
Serena: Is that some kind of union regulation?

Valerie: Now, all we have to do is switch out socks with him.
He won't even know it.
Serena: Won't he wake up?
Valerie: Not a chance.  That boy could sleep through a hurricane.

Bowie: Zzzz  >snort...splutter...snort<
Serena: Oh dear, he's stirring!
Valerie: Hurry up and put his shoes on so we can get out of here!

Bowie: >Yawn<  Huh?  What are you two looking at?

Luke: Oh nothing, just admiring those fancy shoes of yours!
Oliver: >giggle<  Very stylish!
Bowie: Whaa?

Serena: You know, I think this is a look!
Valerie: Good grief...


RoRoPo said...

Waaaa-haaaa-haaaa! That's so good! You've made my day, really! I LOVE this post!!! So good! Heeeheeeheee....

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

given the state of my guys' socks, I'm not sure I'd want them right off his feet! But Serena is one to make sacrifices for fashion! Bowie must have thought the shoe exchange was a dream!

Dee said...

Lol so funny seeing Bowies 'new' look in shoes ! poor lad innocently catching some z's when his sneaky sisters steals his rock star socks !
I agree about them having need of a wash first , especially if he only has the one pair !!

NeverUschi said...

But frankly, the purple socks with the purple shoes would have been too much, so from Serena's point of view the shoes had to be swapped, too. And Bowie can always tell it's a rock star thing...

DollMum said...

Hahahaha - love it. Those girls were bold! What a shock for poor Bowie.