Saturday, June 18, 2022

A Bridge To Far


Wesley: Well, you girls are certainly dressed up today.  What's the occasion?
Alice: Our bridge club is meeting today.
Daisy: Yes, this is how ladies dress when they play bridge.

Ezra: Do you even know how to play bridge?
Jennifer: >Ha-ha< What a silly question.
Marta: Of course we do.

Marta: Okay, has anyone figured out how to play bridge yet?
Jennifer: Alice was going to Google it.  What did you learn, Alice?
Alice: Um, well, I tried to, but I couldn't actually find the Google.
I asked Luke where it was, and he said that he thought Frank ate it.
Daisy: Oh good grief.

Jennifer: Maybe we should just start with what we know, and go from there.
Marta: 'Fake it 'til you make it.'  That's what the boys always say.
Jennifer: >Snort< And they ought to know!

Marta: Okay, so we know that we need four players and a deck of cards.
Jennifer: Which we have.
Marta: And we have to be suitably dressed.
Daisy: Which we are.

Alice: And don't forget about the refreshments!
Daisy: Oh yes, refreshments are very important.
I think we've got a handle on this.

And later...

Jennifer: I don't know why we just didn't think to play Kings in the Corner to begin with.
At least it's a game we know.
Marta: Good thing Daddy Steve taught us how to play it.
It's actually the only card game he knows how to play.
Alice: Well, he is awfully old.  It's possible that's the only card gam
they had when he was a kid!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

lol, I think that dressing up and eating refreshments must be the best part of bridge! The girls have the right idea. Too bad Frank Ate the Google.....

RoRoPo said...

Hee hee!!! This is really funny! I hope the Google Frank ate will not disturb his tummy... But I'm sure, the girl's got it about playing bridge.

Dee said...

If it's edible I'm sure Franks will have eaten it!

Luckly for the girls Daddy Steven, ancient one that he is, taught them a card game to play until Frank coughs up google!

It was obviously a bridge too far today ;)