Saturday, July 8, 2023

Festival Preparations, Part 2

Nicholas Sahara: Ah, Wendolyn, here you are.  Just the lass we're looking for.
Scot-Michael: Hi Nanny Wendy.
Nanny Wendy: Hello boys, what can I help you with today?

Nicholas: As you know, we're to accompany Daddy John to that delightful festival in Portland.  
We've been asked to look after one of the younger lads one evening whilst there.
Nanny Wendy Oh?  Ah, and you've come to me for babysitting advice and tips.
Who will you be watching?
Scot-Michael: Er, well, it's Curly.

Nanny Wendy: Curly?  Oh dear. 
Mikey, don't bonk your brother on the head.

Mikey: Okay.
Nanny Wendy: Thank you sweetie.  You're such a good boy.
Baby Conor: Bah!
Nanny Wendy: Yes, Conor, you're a good boy too.

Nanny Wendy: I've heard Curly can be a handful.
Nicholas: Quite.  He has a bit of a... rambunctious...reputation.
Scot-Michael: Hold it!  How did you catch Mikey?!  You weren't even looking at him!

Nanny Wendy: Well, boys, I'll tell you.  It's 75% patience, 10% attitude, and 15% ESP.
Although, you two may want to add agility into the mix.  I know how Curly likes to swing
that gavel around.  I recommend stretching exercises a few days before.

Nicholas: Wendolyn my dear, you truly are the font of all knowledge.
Scot-Michael: He means you rock, Nanny Wendy.
Nanny Wendy: Well, thank you, boys!  I'm sure you'll do great.
Conor: Bonk!

Nicholas: Great Richard the III's ghost!  
What have we gotten ourselves into, Scout?
Scot-Michael: Dunno, Nickels, but you heard The Font.
Patience! Attitude!  ESP!
Both: Agility!  >Gulp<



Dee said...

I'm sure the boys will be fine looking after Curly for one evening... maybe make sure you have Daddy John's phone number to hand.. and maybe the hospital .. oh and fire service and definitely the police! But it will be fine....

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

boys!! Did you know this was a condition of attending festival?! Doesn't Daddy John know that this is a time for the kids to have fun?! You shouldn't be asked to take on such a monumental task! Maybe see if you can sneak Wendolyn into your suitcase....I think she would be very helpful!

Serenata said...

Oh you will have a fantastic time. We miss not attending the Sasha Festivals, they were the highlight of our year and Henry and Peggy Sue enjoyed the Festivals in the USA they attended very much indeed. Who knows whether they will ever get to attend again? We can certainly dream and cherish the memories of the ones we went to...even if a little jealous of those going this year. Have a fantastic time!