Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Recycling Police


Barbara: We're almost done cleaning the kitchen.  Just a few things in the sink to wash up.
Beatrix: Good thing, too.  We wouldn't want to get on Uli's bad side!
Both: Ha-ha-ha!

Barbara: I can never remember if these containers are recyclable.
Beatrix: Hmm, it has a '2' on it.  Aren't items marked '2' through '4' okay?
Barbara: I thought it was everything except 2 through 4.

Beatrix: Didn't we get some kind of informational pamphlet 
in the mail about recycling?
Barbara: Yeah...but I think we recycled it!

Both: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Beatrix: Oh, just throw it in.  
If we're wrong, it's not like the recycling police are going to show up at our door.
Barbara: "Ma'am, we've traced an empty yogurt tub back to this residence."

Both: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Kevin: Hey, there are two stern looking guys in dark suits and sunglasses at the door.
They want to speak to the person in charge of recycling.

Barbara: Um, that would be you.
Kevin: ME?!?!?!
Beatrix: Yep, definitely you.  It was nice knowing you, brother.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I know how you feel girls! You want to recycle but it's almost like taking an exam trying to remember what each symbol/ number means !

Poor Kevin, A new brother?, having to go 'take' the test! He may be a pushover and will be pouring his heart out like Chunk in the Goonies confessing all!
I think one of you girls should go, not such easy 'meat' for those recycling police ;) Good luck