Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lunch Pressure

 Daddy John:  It's September and that means...a new school year!  Uli has taken on the herculean task of packing everybody's first day lunch.  Let us hope she doesn't regret volunteering for this challenge...

Uli: Vot haff I gotten myself into?

Uli: May I help you?
BR: Hi, could I please have my sandwich cut diagonally with the crusts cut off?

Uli: Ja?
Pete Dakota: Oh, I don't like the green relish.  I like mayo.

Philip Guy: Oh, cherry pie?  Um, are there any cupcakes left?
Uli: >Sigh<

Rolf: Nein!  I alvays get die Schokoladenmilch!
Uli: >Grrrrrrrrrrrr<

Scot-Michael: Uh, Uli, I'm not eating apples this week.
I would prefer a banana, please.
Uli: >deep breath<  Eins...zwei...drei...vier...

Uli: Und vot do you vant?!
Nicholas Sahara: Nichts, mein Schatz. [Nothing, my dear]
Vielen Danke, dass Sie mein Mittagessen zubereitet haben.
[Thank you for making my lunch.]
Ihre Mittagessen und Backwaren sind die besten!
[Your lunches and pastries are the best!]
Uli: Oooh, hee-hee! Bitte sehr, mein Lieber.
[You're welcome, my dear]

Philip: How do you speak German?!
Nicholas Sahara: I'm a prince!  I speak several languages.
Philip: And how did you get a whole cake in your lunch?!
Nicholas: I also speak 'Manners.'

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gregoropolis and Terror of the Spider!


Dan Ryan: There's nothing more relaxing than sitting here with a good book.

Dan Ryan: In fact, I'm so relaxed I could fall asle...
WHAT. IS. THAT?!?!?!


Dan Ryan: Spider!  In our room!  Hanging from the light fixture!
Logan and Frederick: Spider?!  AAAAAACK!!!

Logan: How long has it been there?!?
Frederick: Eeww, it could've fallen in my mouth while I was sleeping!
Logan: Yeah, especially since you sleep with your mouth wide open!
All Three:  AAAAAAACK!!!

Holly Belle: What on earth is all the ruckus about?
Meghan: You guys sound like someone is trying to kill you.

All Three: SPIDER!!!!  Do something!!
Holly Belle: >Sigh<  Come on, Meghan.

Meghan: We live with such a brave bunch of men.
Holly Belle: What would they do without us?
Dan Ryan (from other room): Is it gone yet?!?!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Passive Cleaning


Uli: Ve must make house spotless: scrubbing, polishing, und dusting!
Barbara: >Sigh<  She's in one of her moods.

Uli: You two, das Badezimmer, bitte.
Beatrix: Oh, joy...

Uli: Natalie, you vill dust.
Natalie: You can count on me to get the job done!
Uli: Hmmff.


Natalie: Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Barbara: Oh, would you look at this!

Beatrix: Wake up, Natalie! You know that thing only works if you wave it around.

Natalie: Actually, I'm taking a much more intuitive, passive approach to dusting.
You see, dust is very inquisitive.  That's why it scatters all over the place.

Natalie: All I have to do is hold this, and the dust is attracted to the pretty,
bright feathers.  Now if you'll excuse me ladies, I have work to do.


Natalie: Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Beatrix: Well!  What do you think of that?!
Barbara: I think she's full of baloney.
Beatrix: Me too, but you've got to admire how she sells it.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

A Good Play

 A Good Play by Robert Louis Stevenson, as dramatized by Mikko and Tyler...

We built a ship upon the stairs
All made of the back-bedroom chairs,

And filled it full of soft pillows
To go a-sailing on the billows.

We took a saw and several nails,
And water in the nursery pails;

And Tom said, "Let us also take
An apple and a slice of cake;"

Which was enough for Tom and me
To go a-sailing on, 'til tea.

We sailed along for days and days,
And had the very best of plays;

But Tom fell out and hurt his knee,

So there was no one left but me.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Fountain of Youths

 Daddy John: Two of the boys are playing intrepid explorers today, investigating the deep mysteries of the continent (well, the backyard, anyway)...

Nicholas Sahara: I hope we don't encounter any hungry cannibals!
Now, what are we seeking again?

Scot-Michael: The mythical Fountain of Youth
Nicholas: Ah yes, the Fountain of Youth.  The Youth Fountain.
That one fountain will all that youth.  The youth belonging to the fountain.
Scot-Michael: You have no clue what it is, do you?
Nicholas: Not a sausage.

Scot-Michael: C'mon, Livingstone.  Let's try over that way.

Scot-Michael: I think there's something in that clearing ahead.

Nicholas: By Jove, this is frightfully exciting!
To think, we will be the first to lay eyes on this fountain!

Scot-Michael: Could it be?!

Scot-Michael: Oh.
Nicholas: What's wrong? What is it, old boy?
Scot-Michael: Look a little further beyond the fountain.

Nicholas: Oh.
Scot-Michael: Yes.

Nicholas: Well, er, it is a fountain.
Scot-Michael: Yes.
Nicholas: And they are youth.
Scot-Michael: Yes.

Scot-Michael and Nicholas: >Sigh<

BR: Oh, hi guys!
Pete Dakota: You look hot!  Would you like some lemonade?

Scot-Michael: When we write up this adventure in our diaries,
we'll leave this bit out.
Nicholas: Too right.