Saturday, August 17, 2024

Passive Cleaning


Uli: Ve must make house spotless: scrubbing, polishing, und dusting!
Barbara: >Sigh<  She's in one of her moods.

Uli: You two, das Badezimmer, bitte.
Beatrix: Oh, joy...

Uli: Natalie, you vill dust.
Natalie: You can count on me to get the job done!
Uli: Hmmff.


Natalie: Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Barbara: Oh, would you look at this!

Beatrix: Wake up, Natalie! You know that thing only works if you wave it around.

Natalie: Actually, I'm taking a much more intuitive, passive approach to dusting.
You see, dust is very inquisitive.  That's why it scatters all over the place.

Natalie: All I have to do is hold this, and the dust is attracted to the pretty,
bright feathers.  Now if you'll excuse me ladies, I have work to do.


Natalie: Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Beatrix: Well!  What do you think of that?!
Barbara: I think she's full of baloney.
Beatrix: Me too, but you've got to admire how she sells it.


Dee said...

LOL So funny. I may have to try out Natalie's dust attracting idea for myself!
Seems a very tired child, does she not get any sleep at night ? or is she one of those that needs more than the eight hours?

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

the real way to dust is to wait until it gets thick enough and then just peel it off as one layer!