Friday, December 20, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 20: Antonia and Jennifer


Antonia: Mamma mia! Amica, have you heard?
Jennifer: What's going on?
Antonia: La signora Natale!  She has left Babbo!

Jennifer: Oh, that.  Don't fret, Antonia.  It's only the Mrs. Claus toy
was missing from the Advent calendar set.  
Antonia: Veramente?  I am much relieved. 
Jennifer:  Wow, the more, uh, dramatic of our siblings
sure can get things all garbled.
Antonia: Let us find our toy with any more thought!

Jennifer: What do we have here?
Antonia: Che cos'è? What is she, amica?

Jennifer: Well, it certainly isn't another snowman!
Antonia: >Whew!<  The toy, she does have many pieces, though.
Jennifer: Not to worry, I've seen this before.

Antonia: Molto bene! The albero di Natale!
The toy, she is the Christmas tree!
Jennifer: I always think they look like traffic signals.

Antonia: There, she sits in the piccola casa.
Jennifer: Waiting for Santa and all the presents.

1 comment:

Dee said...

I have to agree with Jennifer , Antonia, those Christmas Lego trees do have a look of the traffic light about them. But nice to have a Christmas tree in the scene