Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Dark Knight

Daddy Steve:  When we posted our Gregoropolis Christmas photo on the Sasha Facebook page, one person commented that Anthony looked like Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman).  Anthony liked that comment a lot!  As the only non-Gregor in Gregoropolis, he sometimes feels a bit invisible.  Ever since reading that comment, he's been spending a lot of time in front of the mirror and talking in a very deep voice.

Anthony: I'm BATMAN!
Robin: Are you catching a cold?


Serenata said...

Wonderful! I can just imagine it!

You are so much more disciplined than me, only have one non-Gregor boy at Gregoropolis!

Dee said...

How sweet. I do believe he does have a look of Bruce Wayne! How nice to have a super hero in the house.
Could come in handy should those Gregors get themselves into a pickle!
It great to have an older brother and even better if he's Batman!!

NeverUschi said...

Poor Anthony, and it has to be Robin, of all the boys, to get him back to earth...
Great photo! I love Robin's sweater.

Gregor Daddies said...

Hi Lorraine -

Oh, I've been tempted!

Hi Dee -

Yes, some of the boys need a full time superhero to keep them out of mischief!

Hi Ursula -

Haha, of course, Robin! I didn't even think of that!