Saturday, March 20, 2021

St. Patrick's Day 2021

 Some scenes how we celebrated St. Patrick's Day here at Gregoropolis...

Tyler: Hey Patrick, it's your day!
Patrick: Er, yes, quite.

Mikko: Did you know that St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland?
Tyler: Yeah, how cool is that?

Patrick: Actually, Ireland, like many other islands, never had snakes.  When it was still connected to a larger landmass, the ice age made it too chilly for cold-blooded reptiles.  As the ice melted around 10,000 years ago, the increased water level created the now impassable expanse 
between Ireland and its neighbors.

Mikko: Ugh, he turns everything into a science lesson!
Ravi: I know, isn't it great?!

Dan Ryan: In Chicago, where I come from, they dye the river green on St. Patrick's Day!
Uli: Ach, that sounds too messy.

Daphne: Corned beef & cabbage is a traditional St. Patrick's Day dinner.
Frank: Yeahhhhh, I'm more of a 'candy holiday' person.
Wendel: Cabbage gives me gas.

Valerie: Look!  A pot of gold!
Bowie: We're rich!
Valerie: Let's use it to buy clothes!
Bowie: No, guitars!

Valerie: No, shoes!
Bowie: Legos!

Valerie: Books!
Bowie: And Waffles!

Everyone's Irish on St. Patrick's Day!


Dee said...

I love all their different takes on St.Patrick's day and (st) Patrick was very informative on the matter.
Glad to see all the kids were taking the day in their own unique ways.

J. Campbell said...

I live the Gregoropolis Clan! I look forward to reading their blog every week! Thank you!

NeverUschi said...

It's nice to see they all had a good time. But I agree with Uli: to dye a river seems messy...
Love Valerie's and Bowie's garments, the black and whit looks so good on them. I hope the pot of gold will last for all their wishes...