Sunday, October 3, 2021

Dressed To Play


Frederick: >Beep< >Zap< >Bzzt<  >Come in Mission Control<

Gino: Hey, Frederick, what are you up to?
Frederick: Playing space aliens.

Gino: Do you want to play dinosaurs?
Frederick: Sure!  But, uh, can you wait a minute?

Gino: ???

Frederick: >Mutter, mutter<  Now where can it be?  >grumble, grumble<

Frederick: A-ha!  Here it is!

Frederick: Ok, I'm ready to play!
Gino: Gee, you really do believe in dressing for the occasion!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

love their little robot from Lost In Space!! Danger Will Robinson, Danger Will Robinson....

Nice that they have the clothes for all occasions! I hope that the girls (think:HollyBelle) don't get any ideas or you are going to have a big bill on your hands for new clothes!!

Dee said...

Great small toys, perfect size.

So committed to have a t shirt for whatever toys he's playing with!

RoRoPo said...

I always admire your perfect fitting doll furniture, toys and whatever a happy child may need. I really love your posts, they make me smile and lighten my day!
Thank you for your great photos and sharing all the ideas what dolls can do!!!