Saturday, May 7, 2022

Zen and the Art of Household Chores


BR: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Philip: Fish!

Nicholas Sahara: Oh, bugger.  Another 'sockrifice' to the laundry gods.

Scot-Michael: I bet with a race car bed I could be fast asleep.

Stephen Orange: Everyone wants to save the dolphins, 
but no one wants to help with the dishes.

Pete Dakota: I just dusted off the Hoover.
I have become the vacuum cleaner.


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

the guys are wise beyond their years!!

Dee said...

Zen you need to do housework these lads are the there!

Pete don't become a hoover, it's not a good career choice you'll just be left with all the dirt to clear up ;)

NeverUschi said...

I wonder where the girls have gone? There will be a surprise for them when they return! I hope they'll cherish the boys' efforts.