Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gregoropolis and Terror of the Spider!


Dan Ryan: There's nothing more relaxing than sitting here with a good book.

Dan Ryan: In fact, I'm so relaxed I could fall asle...
WHAT. IS. THAT?!?!?!


Dan Ryan: Spider!  In our room!  Hanging from the light fixture!
Logan and Frederick: Spider?!  AAAAAACK!!!

Logan: How long has it been there?!?
Frederick: Eeww, it could've fallen in my mouth while I was sleeping!
Logan: Yeah, especially since you sleep with your mouth wide open!
All Three:  AAAAAAACK!!!

Holly Belle: What on earth is all the ruckus about?
Meghan: You guys sound like someone is trying to kill you.

All Three: SPIDER!!!!  Do something!!
Holly Belle: >Sigh<  Come on, Meghan.

Meghan: We live with such a brave bunch of men.
Holly Belle: What would they do without us?
Dan Ryan (from other room): Is it gone yet?!?!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

boys, really?! Good thing the girls were there to save you! Mostly nothing to be afraid of but it might be a good idea to sleep with your mouth closed!

Dee said...

Boys Really! You let those girls get that spider while hiding in the hallway! You'd be much better trying to hit with a towel or cloth while squealing and constantly missing that let those girls win ! That's what we do here in our house, then if we cannot get it we call mum who gets a glass and a piece of card, calls dad and its sorted with no girls involved
your friends Toby and Zak

RoRoPo said...

Uhm, boys... there is no need to get the girls who will kill the spider with their dusters because they are afraid, too! A glass and a card is all you need, and a bit bravery, then the spider is free to live somewhere else! Just a little hint from your friend Gregor... uuuh... Mummy? Did you see that big fat black spider sitting there? Do you have a glass? I am too busy to take care of it myself, would you? Mummy???