Thursday, December 19, 2024

Advent 2024: Day 19: Ginger and Spencer


Ginger: Another day with red heads!
Spencer: We are the most photogenic, after all.
Ginger: Too true!

Ginger: There's the door!

Spencer: Oh, my goodness!

Spencer and Ginger: It's another snowman!

Ginger: At least we knew how to put it together.
Spencer: And fixed the first one, too.
Ginger: Can you imagine Frank and Natalie getting this?
Spencer: They'd've given up halfway through
and gone to eat all the Christmas cookies.
Ginger: Too true.

Spencer: I guess you can never have too many snowmen.
Ginger: It's the same with red heads!


Dee said...

So true Ginger, you can never have too many red heads. And I suppose at Christmas you can also never have too many snowmen which is just as well .
You have to understand that for Frank and Natalie if you cannot eat it , it's not worth spending too much time on it!

Marti said...

I'd forgotten you were doing an advent calendar, so I just got a real treat of catching up on the whole series at once!! Looks like Lego sent the replacement Mrs. Claus really fast! Going to miss you as you take your well-deserved hiatus!