Saturday, February 19, 2022

Mush! (Part 2)

Daddy John: Pete Dakota has determined the weather is now perfect to test out the present from Aunt Michelli.  He and Denali have been making tracks all day!

Pete Dakota: Mush, Denali!  Go, girl!
Denali: Woof!

Of course, a good sled dog ride is always better with a friend.

Scot-Michael: Yee-haw!

Scot-Michael: Pete, this is amazing!  
Pete Dakota: And Denali loves it!  She never seems to tire.

Denali: Woof, yip! (Translation: Must go faster, must go faster!)

During the longer stretches, the silence of the snow, with only Denali's occasional barks for sound, leads to some zen moments...

Pete Dakota: Unless you're the lead dog, the view never changes.

Scot-Michael: Today the backyard...

Pete Dakota:...tomorrow the John Beargrease and the Iditarod!
Denali: WOOF!


Dee said...

Great action shots of them enjoying the sled in the snow.

I always love the idea of wonderful snow for getting great photos of the kids enjoying themselves but we get so little snow here that when it does turn up I find it hard to make the effort to get out there !

So well done on making 'tracks' with the boys and I hope Denali gets extra rations after all his hard work!

RoRoPo said...

Oh so much beautiful snow! And the sled is amazing. So is Denali, the really strong Malamute. But please keep in mind that a Malamute dog will work and work and work, even when it's too hard. Two children are a bit exhausting for one dog. Denali could do with a buddy to help her moving the sled, then they even would do the Iditarod!

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

what a strong dog Denali is to be able to pull both boys in the sled! He looks so happy and determined!!

NeverUschi said...

Denali is in her element for sure! So at least one of the family loves winter.
We didn't have that much snow yet this season, but I can't say I miss it much...