Saturday, February 26, 2022


 Holly Belle feels like she needs a little therapy to work through some issues, so she consults with Kaveh, our resident counselor...

Kaveh: So, what have you been thinking?
Holly Belle: I feel out of touch.  I used to know everything that was
going on around here.  Now things happen, and I don't even know about them.

Kaveh: Well, it's rather difficult to know everything that happens.
Plus, if you did know everything, that would take all the mystery out of life.
Holly Belle: Is that something Freud said?
Kaveh: Actually, I think it was Monty Python.

Kaveh: Most importantly, you don't need to know everything to be appreciated by all of us.  
You're valued here, you know!

Holly Belle: That's true...

Holly Belle: Hey!  I just want you two to know that I'm valued around here!

John Martin: Huh? What is she...? We never said you weren't!

Nathan: Say, Holly Belle, how about if the three of us watch a movie together?
That would be fun, right John Martin?
John Martin: Umm...sure.

Nathan: Feeling a little more valued now, Holly Belle?
Holly Belle: Yes. As a matter of fact, I am.  Thank you.


Dee said...

Poor Holly Belle ! Sometimes being a go getting person can make one wonder if anyone cares, so it's nice that Kaveh was able tp fit her in for a session and help her.
Nathan and John Martin are so sweet to suggest watching a film with Holly Belle and spending some time with her.
I'm sure she'll be back to her bossy.. I mean helpful self soon

NeverUschi said...

I used to think Monty Python gave more wisdom to the world than Freud - now it seems, Kaveh agrees!
It's good to know Holly Belle is feeling better.

RoRoPo said...

I simply love all those doll sized things you've got: seats, sofas, tables, toys, food... and so on.
So everybody can see all your Gregor and Sasha kids are valued, and so, of course, is Holly Belle. We would miss her!