Saturday, February 5, 2022

Be Mine

Marta: Hey Ravi, what are you doing?
Ravi: Making a Valentine's card.
Meghan: Oh? Who's it for?
Ravi: It's a surprise.
Holly Belle: Hmmm...

Meghan: What are you up to, Patrick?
Patrick: I'm making a Valentine.
Holly Belle: Why Patrick, you never struck me as the romantic type.

Patrick: >Ahem< Valentine's Day originated as an ancient feast day 
honoring several Christian martyrs named Valentine.  
It had no romantic connotations until Chaucer's poetry in the 14th century.
Holly Belle: >eye roll< Thank you, Wikipedia.

Holly Belle: Wow, who could have guessed that Mr. Logic would celebrate Valentine's Day.
Meghan: Or Ravi, for that matter.
Marta: Hmmm...I wonder...

Mikko: Patrick and Ravi?  Oh yeah, those two are crushing on each other big time.
Tyler: Didn't you know that, Hols?
Holly Belle No, I didn't know that!  How did I not know that??
I'm meant to know everything around here!  Don't call me 'Hols'.

Marta: Well, I think it's really sweet.
Tyler: It is.  Plus, it keeps all that nerdiness in one place.
Did you know they both actually like doing schoolwork?!?
Marta: What's wrong with that?  I like doing schoolwork.
Meghan: Yeah!  Learning is fun, you big doofus.

Holly Belle: I love school, except the whole thing about no talking in class.
I mean, can I help it if I have a lot of important things to say? 
Well, now at least we have that cleared up.  I just wonder how much else is going on around here that I don't know about.  Do I even want to know the answer to that question?

Mikko: >head shake<  Girls, I tell ya...
Tyler: Dude! You ate all the chips!


Dee said...

Aww Ravi and Patrick how sweet. So nice they have similar interests being nerds , it should be the perfect match.
I bet Holly Belle gets lots of detention for talking in class, probably correcting the teacher !

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

whoa! plot twist! didn't see it coming at all. I'm a bit afraid that HB will increase her nosiness at having been left out of important events! I wonder what else her little family has been keeping from her? Time will tell!

NeverUschi said...

Poor Holly Belle, that Valentine card was not for her and teachers don't appreciate her help in class...