Saturday, July 23, 2022

Conversational Skills


Duncan: >Sigh< Sometimes I feel isolated.
Daphne: Oh sweetie, you just need to socialize more.
Get out and mingle; talk to people.

Duncan: I'm no good at talking to people.
Daphne: Of course you are.  After all, you're a people, aren't you?
Duncan: Huh?
Daphne: What I mean is that it's not like you're trying to talk to birds or dolphins.
You just need to find topics that interest other people; things that spark their passions.

Duncan: Couldn't that be kind of boring though?
Daphne: Oh no, nothing is ever boring if someone cares about it.  
Let's give it a try.

Duncan: Hello Frank.  Uh, read any good books lately?
Frank: Nope.
Duncan: What do you think of this heat wave we're having?
Frank: Very hot.

Duncan: Um, do you have a favorite kind of cake?
Frank: Well!  Funny you should ask...

Holly Belle: So, Mr. Darcy has to overcome his excessive pride and Elizabeth Bennet has to overcome her prejudice towards him; then they can fall in love.  
That's where the title comes from.
Meghan: It's all terribly romantic!

Patrick: ...plate tectonics.  Millennia ago, the continents were all joined together
 in one super-continent.
You can actually see the way they would have originally fit together.
Ravi: Like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Patrick: Exactly!

Duncan: Gosh, you were right!  Conversation is a good thing.
Daphne: Hallelujah. My work here is done.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Daphne is a very intelligent child and her help to Duncan perfect. If only everyone was so clever and thoughtful to others.
Mind you I'm surprised they managed to escape Frank quite so quick, if he was listing his cake choices because I'm sure there would have been quite a long list!