Saturday, July 30, 2022

A Milestone!

Nathan: Hey guys, come look at this.

Holly Belle: What are we looking at?
Nathan: A milestone -- blog post number 400!
John Martin: Which one is 400?
Nathan: The one we're in right now.

Holly Belle: Oh yes, there I am.  
Hmm...I look really good in this dress.
John Martin: How very meta.

Holly Belle: Wait, how come it says this is post number 404?
Nathan: Well, you see, we repeated a few old ones, so this is actually #400.
John Martin: Ah.  I see.
Holly Belle: You do?
John Martin: No, not really.
Holly Belle: >Rolls eyes<  Hmmph.

Holly Belle: I suppose we should commemorate this in some way.
Nathan: But how?

Frank: Might I suggest cake?


Dee said...

Congratulations on your 4ooth blog post. We here at Sasha village have loved every one and cannot wait for the next 400!

And we are with Frank! Cake all round to celebrate, we may even join in here ;)

Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

400! wow! congratulations! Cake is always appropriate...I'm definitely with Frank on that.

Anonymous said...

Caught that reference to a certain commercial 😉 😄