Saturday, April 8, 2023

'Ear ye, 'ear ye (Bunny Bandit Redux)

Colin: Hey Daisy, get up!  It's Easter morning.
Don't you want to see what the Easter Bunny left us?
Daisy: What's the point?  I already know what we're going to find:
a bunch of decapitated chocolate bunnies.

Colin: In all fairness, Frank bites off only the ears, not the whole head.
Daisy: Alright then, de-earitated bunnies.  Hmm, is 'de-earitated' even a word?
Anyway, I feel like the Easter version of Jamie Lee Curtis in the Halloween movies.
Colin: I think you may be pleasantly surprised this year.  Kaveh has been working with Frank
to overcome his bunny ear biting compulsion.  He's using hypnosis!

Earlier in the week...

Kaveh: Now, Frank, concentrate on the donut.  You are getting very sleepy.
Frank: Very sleepy.

Heather: ...donut?
Kaveh: It had to be something he would focus on.

Kaveh: When I count to three, you will hear only my voice.  Listen to my instructions.
Listen and repeat.  One...two...three...

Kaveh: You will not eat chocolate bunny ears.
Frank: I will not eat chocolate bunny ears.
Kaveh: You will leave chocolate bunny ears alone.
Frank: I will leave chocolate bunny ears alone.

Daisy: I remain skeptical, but let's go check our Easter baskets.
Colin: Trust me, things will be different this year!

Colin: NOOOOO!!!!

Colin: He ate everything but the ears!

Daisy: Well, you were right.  This is different.



Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

OMG, dying laughing! Changing Frank is like asking the sun to come up in the west. At least the kids get bunny ears this year...even though that is all they're getting.

Dee said...

Lol well Frank did what he was told! He left them bunny ears alone, totally alone!
Aww well maybe next year he can be taught to leave the whole bunny or maybe he could be given something else, like only eat the toes? since bunnies don't have toes, he could fall asleep before he finds any ;)