Sunday, December 10, 2023

Advent 2023: Day 10: Patrick and Ravi


Patrick: My dear Ravi!
Ravi: My dear Patrick!
Patrick: Shall we attend to the Advent calendar 
and mark the imminent arrival of Saint Nicholas?
Ravi: I could not have put it better myself.

Ravi: There's today's prize.  Go for it.
Patrick: No, no, after you.  I insist.

Ravi: Very well, thank you.  Let's see what we've got.

Patrick: Hm.  Bricks and clear, bright orange pieces.
Perhaps we're putting together a fireplace?
Ravi: A completely logical deduction!  Well done.

Ravi: It's a fireplace, indeed.  And no extra pieces!
Patrick: Oh, good.  Those extra pieces upset my sense of order.

Ravi: The logical spot to locate the fireplace 
would be inside one of the house scenes.
Patrick: Your keen mind is as sharp as ever, sir!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

don't put it too close to the Christmas tree, boys...but of course you knew that!

Dee said...

Those lads so logical! Well a fireplace hope there is a chimney for Santa?