Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Advent 2023: Day 13: Stephen Orange and Noah Conrad


Stephen Orange: Oh, great.  This thing again.
Noah Conrad: You know, I could build a better computer desk
than that one with one screwdriver tied behind my back.
Stephen Orange: Open the door, Tom Silva, Junior.

Noah: Don't humbug me, Scrooge.
What's planing against your grain?

Stephen Orange: Nothing, I just have other things to do today.
Noah: You don't fool me, you know.
Stephen Orange: What are you talking about?

Noah: I know how much you enjoy reading the bedtime Christmas stories
to the little ones.  And how you do the voices...
Stephen Orange:  Humph.  Can you just put this together?

Noah: Cake, piece of.  See?
Stephen Orange: How do you see through those bangs?

Noah: Computer desk, meet desk chair.
Stephen Orange: Great.  Now that that's done, I, uh,
er, I have to go pick out books to read to the kids.
Noah: HAH!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Aww that Stephen Orange is a big softy at heart !
Well that's a very nice comfy chair to go with the desk