Saturday, December 2, 2023

Advent 2023: Day 2: Holly Belle and Meghan


Holly Belle: Any luck, dear?
Meghan: No, and we've looked everywhere!  Susanna is just confused.
Where could her Barbie doll have gone?
Holly Belle: I suppose no one saw a thing?
Meghan:  All are claiming ignorance.  
I'm confident her Barbie doll didn't stand up and walk off of her own accord.

Holly Belle: Let's take a break and open the Advent Calendar. 
Then I'll help you look.  We'll find her doll.
Meghan: Thank you, Holly Belle.

Meghan: We're Day 2, right?
Holly Belle: >Humph< Yes, Pete Dakota and BR got here first. 

Meghan: I wonder what we'll have for today's prize.

Holly Belle: That's an awfully big bag for just a few pieces.
Meghan: Fewer pieces mean it'll be easier to put together!

Holly Belle: There!  A little sign pointing the way to Santa.
Meghan: Since there's no Santa prize yet, 
I guess we can have the sign point to the skiing snowman.
Holly Belle: Good thinking, dear.

Holly Belle: Now, let's go find that doll.
Meghan: Surely someone must have seen her.
Holly Belle: We'll tear the toy room apart if we have to.

1 comment:

Dee said...

See ! Holly Belle was to busy to be too upset about those boys getting in first. I wonder where that doll is? I'm sure Holly Belle will find it