Monday, December 4, 2023

Advent 2023: Day 4: Mikko and Tyler


Mikko: Hey, do I look okay for the Advent Calendar?
Tyler: Yeah, you look fine.  Why?
Mikko: Holly Belle was after me for dressing 'too casual.'
Tyler: Oh, just ignore Miss Polly Prissypants.

Holly Belle: Is someone talking about me?!
Tyler: >Gulp< Ears like a bat, that one.
Mikko: Her Spidey-Sense must be tingling!

Tyler: There's today's door, up on the roof.
Since you're dressed like Spider-Man, you climb up and open it.

Mikko: Spider-Mikko is on the scene!

Mikko: Hey!  It's a hockey player!
Tyler: Cool!

Tyler: What team does he play for?
Mikko: The way Daddy John's favorite team has been playing lately, 
they're the Penalty Box Heroes!
Tyler: Nice.

Tyler: There you go, Lego Lad. 

Mikko: To the ice with you!
Tyler: Keep on skatin'!


Sasha's Vintage Boutique said...

a snowman, a reindeer, a hockey player...I can't figure out what is going to link them all in the end! fun to watch and see.

Dee said...

Goodness that Holly Belle's got good hearing!
Yes a strange arrangement of figures appearing unless it's just your average American home town in December...Reindeer's playing ice hockey with Snowmen in goal...