Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Advent 2021, Day 14: Kaveh & Ann Marie


Kaveh: Hey!  We match!
Ann Marie: I'm pretty sure that's a sign we should open today's door.
Kaveh: Makes sense to me.

Ann Marie: Here's the door, right on the end.

Kaveh: What is it?
Ann Marie: We'll know when we've snapped it together.

Ann Marie: Why, it's Harry's gold bars and coins treasure!

Kaveh: You know, Harry Potter, the true treasure is the friends
you made along the way of your adventures.
Ann Marie: Whatever, Kaveh.

Ann Marie: Now, if we put the vault door in front of the treasure...

Ann Marie: Then we put the goblin and his key in front of the vault door...

Kaveh: It looks like the goblin has opened the vault for Harry!
Well-reasoned, Ann Marie.
Ann Marie: Not just a pretty face.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Loving their matching shirt and dress. Ann-Marie is a hard sell
Kaveh is a sweet lad
Gold bars and coin for the safe , it's starting to fill up now.