Thursday, December 2, 2021

Advent 2021, Day 2: Charles & Nicholas Sahara


Nicholas Sahara: Lovely.  Now, who's this Harold Otter chap, then?
Charles: Harry. Potter.  I thought Blake lent you all the books to read.
Nicholas: Er, well he did, yes, but dear Peter was so insistent that I read his 
cowboy-western series first that I simply haven't gotten to them yet.
Charles: >Sigh< Well, let's open the calendar.

Nicholas: This is smashing.  There's the door for today, right in the middle!
Have at it, Buckaroo.

Charles: Buckaroo? Hey, cool!  I think it's Harry his own self!
Nicholas: Oh, my giddy aunt, really?

Charles: There, he's all put together.

Nicholas: And we'll place him here, right by his little street sign.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Nicholas is looking very handsome in his lederhosen. I'd let him watch the Harry Potter films it would be quicker now you have the advent and lovely for Charlie to find Harry Potter fir the second piece.