Thursday, December 9, 2021

Advent 2021, Day 9: Luke & Oliver


Luke: Hey, it's our turn for the Advent calendar!
Oliver: I hope we get something fun.

Oliver: Um, this doesn't look good.
Where's the door for day 9?!

Luke: >Whew!<  Here it is; it was hidden by the sign.

Both: AAAAAHHHH!!! So many pieces!

Luke: Oh, yeah, go on.  Make it look easy...

And a considerable amount of time later...

Oliver: Man, and we're only halfway done!
Luke: I think we're agreed that we say nothing to Rhoda.

Luke: It's the wall door to Diagon Alley!
You can make it look like a solid wall...

Oliver:...Or that it's magically opened!


Dee said...

We won't tell a soul boys , your secrets are safe with us ;)

NeverUschi said...

This kept them occupied, at least for a while. So time until Christmas seems not so long after all...